Caregivers of elderly people from Poland

Today, care for the elderly plays a key role, and Polish caregivers receive great recognition, especially in Germany. Poland provides qualified and empathetic employees who care for the dignified old age of seniors beyond our western border and in other places in the world.

Skills and characteristics of the caregiver of the elderly

The skills and character traits of caregivers of the elderly provide a strong foundation for their professionalism and effectiveness. A wide range of skills, from health to interpersonal, is crucial for comprehensive care for seniors.

Who is the caregiver of an elderly person?

Experience in home care for relatives contributes to the authentic understanding and empathy of caregivers. In this way, they know the importance of an approach full of delicacy and respect. Women aged 50-60 often show natural care and emotional maturity, which translates into their effectiveness at work.

The profession of carer of the elderly in Germany is becoming more and more popular among its Polish representatives. This happens due to many factors. Earnings, qualifications, and demographics are key elements that influence this growing trend.

Good salary for caregivers of the elderly

High earnings are one of the main reasons why the job of a caregiver in Germany is so attractive. Caregivers from Poland can count on a much better salary than in their home country, which is an important motivation to work abroad.

Qualifications of caregivers – requirements of German seniors

High qualifications, appropriate predispositions, and experience in caring for seniors are appreciated by German Care Agencies and the elderly. Caregivers are constantly trying to develop their competences due to the high popularity of their services. Staff from Poland improve their qualifications in the profession of a caregiver and language skills, which translates into a higher level of work with seniors.


Many elderly people in Germany need care. Its most popular form is home care, which gives seniors the greatest comfort.

On the other hand, in Poland there are many women (less often men) who, unable to find employment on the spot, decide to work in Germany as a caregiver.

The overwhelming majority of caregivers for the elderly are women between the ages of 40 and 60.

Thanks to their life experience and caring disposition, they can easily meet the daily challenges of caring for seniors, which makes them perfectly cope with the profession of caring for the elderly. Their professionalism and care translate into high-quality care services.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the work of caring for the elderly in Germany is becoming more and more attractive for Polish representatives of this profession.

Benefits for German families

Caregivers from Poland are valued by families from Germany or Austria. Why?

Professional care in a comfortable home environment

Thanks to the Polish caregivers, the senior can stay in his home, where he feels safe and comfortable. A caregiver for the elderly and sick ensures constant presence and care, which helps to avoid having to transfer to a nursing home.

Individual approach to needs

Caregivers for the elderly from Poland often have a unique ability to relate to seniors. This allows them to understand the individual needs and preferences of their mentees, resulting in more personalized care.

Support in everyday activities

Caregivers help seniors perform daily activities such as dressing, bathing, preparing meals, and maintaining order. This relieves the family of caring responsibilities.

Medical care and health surveillance

Caregivers usually have certain medical qualifications that allow them to monitor the patient’s health, administer medication, and respond to emergencies. Thus, they provide the senior’s family with a sense of security.

Peace of mind for the family

Round-the-clock care of the senior guarantees his family members confidence that the loved one is in good hands. This allows them to focus on their responsibilities, knowing that their elderly relative is receiving adequate protection and support.

Continuation of everyday life

Seniors often benefit from maintaining a daily lifestyle and maintaining their habits in their own homes. The caregiver of an elderly and disabled person helps to maintain routines and hobbies, which has a positive effect on the well-being of the charges.

Activation of seniors and recreation

Caregivers often organize various activities and walks for seniors, helping them to maintain physical shape and social engagement. The role of carer for the elderly cannot be confined to a rigid range of responsibilities.

Emotional support

Caregivers not only help with physical aspects but also provide emotional support for the mentees. Their presence can counteract feelings of loneliness and isolation. The profession of a caregiver requires following the senior and his needs.

Better quality of life

With professional care, seniors can enjoy a better quality of life while maintaining independence and dignity. The caregiver of an elderly and disabled person becomes a companion in many activities of the charges.

Similar culture and language

Caregivers from Poland, thanks to a similar European culture, make it easier to establish relationships and understanding. Common values and traditions foster harmonious coexistence. This is one of the reasons why there are so many caregiver agencies in Poland.

Experience in care

Caregivers from Poland often have both professional and family experience in caring for seniors. Knowledge of the profession translates into their professional approach and ability to deal with various care situations. Such people probably also completed the course of caregiver for the elderly.

Tasty meals

Polish cuisine is famous for its unique flavors and traditional dishes. Caregivers from Poland often prepare meals that are appreciated by the mentees but also meet their individual nutritional needs. Cooking is a duty that caregivers are happy to fulfill.

Empathy and care

Empathy is a key trait of caregivers from Poland. Their ability to listen, understand, and respond to the needs of seniors creates an atmosphere of trust and comfort. Thanks to compassion, caregivers can meet not only physical needs but also emotional ones. Working to care for the elderly often turns into a cordial relationship.

Creating valuable relationships with seniors

Caregivers from Poland have a natural gift for establishing close bonds with their charges. Long conversations, walks, or joint activities are conducive to building relationships based on trust and understanding. Spending time with the elderly translates into a higher quality of functioning for seniors.

Benefits of 24-hour care at home

Caring for seniors around the clock in their own homes is a beneficial solution that provides full comfort and personalized care. For many seniors, staying in their familiar environment is of paramount importance.

Care for a senior at home or in a facility (the so-called senior home) are completely incomparable situation from the point of view of a person who requires help.

Employees of the caregiver agency agree that if a senior has a choice, he will always decide to stay in his place of residence.

Familiar and comfortable environment

A senior, staying in his home, surrounded by familiar furniture and other objects, feels comfort. He does not have to adapt to a new environment, which has a huge impact on his well-being and level of satisfaction.

Individual care

24-hour care in a retirement home allows you to adapt to the individual needs of an elderly person. The caregiver provides personalized support, taking into account health, food preferences, and the patient’s daily schedule. He only takes care of one or two people, so he can adapt to the requirements of a given family.

Taking care of the house and comfort of the mentee

24-hour caregivers not only take care of the senior but also take care of the condition of his home. Thanks to this, the family does not have to worry about everyday tasks such as cleaning, cooking, snow removal, and watering plants. The duties of the caregivers may include any activities. However, the scope and working conditions of the caregivers must be accepted in advance.

Meetings with neighbors and friends
Staying at home, the senior still has the opportunity to meet his neighbors and friends. This not only ensures contact with the environment but also allows you to maintain relationships and social activities that are important for the emotional aspect of life. The offer of care for the elderly may include such obligations.

Pleasure from daily rituals

With 24-hour care, the senior can continue his daily rituals and habits. This has a positive effect on his sense of identity, and maintaining a good mood. The profession of carer of an elderly person also allows you to take the initiative on how to spend time together, which seniors often use.

Where to look for the right caregiver for senior care?

One way to find the right caregiver is to work with a professional care agency. Cooperation is associated with many benefits that allow you to avoid potential problems and provide the best care for seniors.

Contact the care agency

Contact with a professional care company is the first step in finding the right caregivers for an elderly person. Such agencies have in their database qualified employees with different experience. They operate by applicable regulations and standards, which ensures that the people employed by them have been verified and have the required skills.

A list of available caregivers for the elderly can be found on the classifieds portal Hrily.

Trust a professional care agency

A professional employment agency of caregivers has experience in organizing care according to the diverse needs of families. Such a company carries out an efficient process, which guarantees a high standard of service

Interviewing the family of the senior is the first step that affects the provision of care at the patient’s home. During it, expectations, needs, and preferences are discussed. This information helps the employment agency of caregivers to find a caregiver who will best suit the requirements of the family and the senior.
The first proposal with the profiles of caregivers-Family are presented profiles of caregivers of elderly people from Poland. They include profiles of candidates who meet the indicated criteria. You can analyze their experience, qualifications, and skills. This allows you to get to know the caregiver thoroughly before deciding to hire him. A caregiver for the elderly who comes to the family must meet the requirements.

Recruitment process and qualifications of caregivers

How to become a caregiver for an elderly person?
Caregivers of the elderly go through a multi-stage recruitment process. This ensures high quality of services and a sense of security. Here are the key elements of the caregiver selection process:


The interview is the starting point where the care agency or family assesses the caregiver’s competence. This is a great opportunity to get acquainted with his experience, motivation, and readiness to work in care.

Experience in care

A caregiver with extensive experience can cope with various situations and adapt to the needs of the mentees. Past orders and care for loved ones are a valuable source of knowledge.

Certificates, courses, and references

Having certificates, completed care courses, and positive references is an important indicator of professionalism. It testifies to the caregiver’s commitment to continuous learning and development.

Type of contract

Employment in the care of older people is based on many different contracts, and choosing the right type is a key aspect. The employment contract or self-employment should comply with the regulations and be adapted to the preferences of the caregiver.

Care courses

The caregiver course for the elderly is an additional value in the recruitment process. Caregivers who have completed the relevant training are more competent and confident in their abilities.

Caregiver preferences

In the recruitment process, the preferences of the caregiver regarding the type of orders, location, or work schedule are determined. This allows you to better match it to the family.

Presentation of the first orders

After completing the recruitment process, the caregiver familiarized with the first orders. During this time, he has the opportunity to ask about the details of duties in caring for an elderly person.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does a caregiver work in Germany?

The working time of a caregiver in Germany may vary depending on the contract and the individual needs of the family. Normally, caregivers working in a rotational system stay with their charges for 2-3 months, after which they return to the country for a specified rest period.

What happens if the caregiver does not meet expectations?

Professional agencies try to accurately match caregivers to the needs of the family. However, if they do not meet expectations, the company takes action to find the right solution to the problem. This may include replacement, relocation, or other steps that will keep the senior’s family satisfied.

How soon can a caregiver arrive from Poland?

The arrival time of the caregiver from Poland depends on the availability and the organizational process of the care agency. Companies usually try to provide a person for the position as quickly as possible, taking into account the individual needs and dates of the family.

Does the caregiver from Poland have insurance?

Yes, caregivers from Poland are usually covered by health insurance and accident insurance. Professional employment agencies of caregivers take care to provide an appropriate policy for their employees to guarantee their protection during work.

Can the caregiver administer medication?

Yes, a caregiver with the appropriate medical qualifications can administer medication as directed by a doctor. Many caregivers have the training and experience to do this properly.

Can a caregiver perform medical procedures?

Caregivers do not have sufficient competencies to perform advanced medical procedures. Carrying out these activities is usually the responsibility of medical personnel.

What can a caregiver from Poland not do?

Caregivers from Poland are not allowed to perform medical activities such as prescribing medication or diagnosing medical conditions. Their role focuses on daily care, accompanying seniors, and doing simpler household chores.

Does the caregiver work at night?

Yes, caregivers usually work in shifts, which can also include night work. This issue depends on the arrangements with the care agency and the family.

How many hours does a caregiver work on 24-hour care?

The change of caregiver for 24-hour care is around the clock, but the working time is flexible. It takes into account caring activities, accompaniment, and possible breaks during the day.

Is the care service provided on holidays?

Yes, the care service is also provided on holidays. Carers can also work on public holidays to provide continuous care for the elderly.

Yes, the work of a caregiver in Germany is legal, provided that you are employed by a professional care agency or by the rules of self-employment.

Who pays for the cost of the caregiver’s travel?

Usually, the costs of travel from Poland to Germany are covered by the family of the mentee or the care agency.

What will I learn about the caregiver before I arrive?

Before the arrival of the caregiver, you will receive information about his experience, qualifications, skills, and photos. This helps to become familiar with the person who will take care of the senior.

Can the caregiver come again?

Yes, many caregivers take on new assignments, working in different families.

How are caregivers from Poland employed?

Caregivers from Poland can be employed by professional care agencies or self-employed as self-employed or as employees.

Do caregivers from other countries work in Germany?

Yes, there are caregivers from different countries working in Germany. They offer support and care to the elderly.

Where do caregivers live?

A Polish caregiver usually lives with the children or has access to separate accommodation.

Do men or couples come to care?

Yes, both women, men, and couples can take care of the elderly.

Who do I contact in an emergency?

In emergencies, it is useful to have a contact number for a care agency or other appropriate source of support.

What happens to the caregiver when the caregiver goes to the hospital?

If the person in care goes to the hospital, the caregiver may receive support from the family or agency. It can also accompany the senior to the hospital.

What conditions of stay do I have to offer the caregiver?

The caregiver must be provided with accommodation and food. Conditions are agreed upon before arrival.

How often do caregivers change?

The frequency of caregiver changes depends on the family and the contract. Some prefer a permanent caregiver or use rotation.

What happens if the caregiver suddenly disappears?

In this case, a professional care agency takes steps to provide a replacement.

Can a caregiver work in the countryside?

Yes, caregivers can work both in cities and in villages, depending on the needs of the family.

Can the scope of duties include the transport of an elderly person for rehabilitation?

Yes, transport to rehabilitation can be part of the caregiver’s responsibilities if it is agreed with the family.

How do the Agencies support the caregiver and the family?

Care agencies provide support in the process of finding the right caregiver, organizing training, and solving possible problems.

Who chooses a caregiver for me?

The care agency helps in choosing a caregiver, taking into account the preferences of the family and the needs of the senior.

What happens if the state of health changes?

In such a situation, the care Agency or caregiver takes appropriate steps to ensure appropriate medical care.

What is the transfer of information between caregivers who are changing?

Caregivers provide each other with information about the senior’s condition, preferences, and routine during the change of care.

How much free time does the caregiver have?

The caregiver has a certain amount of free time, which is usually written in the contract.

Can the caregiver take care of the farm, including the garden?

Yes, the caregiver can do some household chores, including taking care of the garden, if agreed with the family.

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