After creating an account, the Care Agency can start adding caregivers, clients, contracts, rides and other information. The entire Hrily ERP system is preconfigured and has all data defined. However, it should be remembered that the account of your company should be matched to the patterns developed by your team. The options described below can be freely edited, deleted, added to your options.
Where we set up a caregiver profile
In the configuration tab in the quick search, enter the first few characters of the word caregivers, e.g. opie and press Enter. The program will filter the configuration data that applies to the caregivers’ module. There are more than 40 different pieces of information to configure. Not all of them may apply to your business, but if you may find this information useful, you should enter the relevant information from the beginning.
Part of the value is common for the module caregivers and customers. These are, for example, character traits, diseases and others.
The scope of information we can configure
Information to match the caregiver with the family
One of the most important criteria when matching family and caregiver is the following information. This is the caregiver data that must be configured first.
The list of languages we will ask the caregiver about can be limited only to German. However, it is worth considering whether we want to add other languages such as English, Italian, Polish, French or sign language.
Language levels
The language levels in Hrily should be configured to match what your company is currently collecting. The CRM system allows you to manage the order of languages. In addition, you can add a more extensive description, which is presented in the guardian profile in PDF, which is sent to the family. It is worth adding that the list of levels is common for the caregiver and the client. That is, we ask the caregiver about the level of use of a given language. We ask the client what level of language he requires from a caregiver who is to take care of an elderly person.
All Care Agencies ask caregivers about smoking. However, the answers that companies allow are already very diverse. The opportunities we encounter in our work during the implementation and support of teams are as follows:
- smoke
- does not smoke
- smokes only outside
- smokes up to 10/20 cigarettes
- smokes only electric cigarettes
Driving licence
The situation is similar with driving a car. All recruiters ask about it, but the range of answers is already very diverse. The possibilities we meet are:
- drives/has a driving licence
- does not lead
- leads only in the countryside
- manual gearbox only
- automatic transmission only
The caregiver spends several weeks in the family home, so it is necessary to determine what conditions the caregiver requires. It is worth collecting information about the requirements related to the room, bathroom, internet, home, immediate surroundings, shops, etc. The exact requirements of Care Agencies in the CRM system are very variously configured. It should be emphasized that the list of options related to the place of stay is common between the client and the caregiver. The caregiver requires specific options, and the family offers them or not. This is necessary so that the ERP program can automatically match customers with caregivers and vice versa.
The scope of work that the caregiver wants to perform
During many meetings with employees of the Care Agency, we discussed the issues of what information should be collected in the caregiver’s profile. One of the difficult issues is whether:
- the caregiver has experience in something
- the caregiver wants to do it
Opinions of the Care Agency are divided. Although most fold towards the second option. From our point of view, it is worth collecting only information about the activities that the caregiver wants to perform. A good example is getting up at night. We can all do it, but not everyone wants to.
Experience with diseases
This is one of the basic points that the recruiter asks the caregiver of an elderly person. Examples of options that can be configured in this section are: physical aggression, verbal aggression, allergy, Alzheimer’s, catheter, mental illness, diabetes, dementia, depression, epilepsy, deafness, heart failure, cancer, operation of the oxygen machine, bedsores, osteoporosis, epilepsy, paralysis, Parkinson’s, mobility problems, swallowing problems, rheumatism, stoma, blindness, stroke, infarction
Daily activities
The caregiver helps the senior in everyday activities. For example, dressing and undressing.
Free time
The caregiver spends part of his time socializing with the people he or she cares for. These can be walking, crosswords, reading, watching TV, cinema, theatre, games or just keeping company.
Sleep activities
It is worth determining with the caregiver what duties he can perform at night. It can be surveillance at night, help with getting up, help with the toilet.
Body hygiene
The range of activities that the caregiver can perform related to body hygiene is diverse. This list may include the following: minor bath aid, total bath assistance, tub lift, face and mouth washing, intimate hygiene, diaper change, shaving
The caretaker on the work place can eat his favourite dishes. However, the diet and diet of seniors must be followed, and often these requirements are very precise. In addition, it is worth asking the caregiver if he wants to help seniors while eating. For example, these can be: a small help in eating, help with eating, a diet for diabetics, an easily digestible diet, a vegan diet.
Each ward is an individual story, some of them have problems with movement. We have also taken this into account. The list describing the degree of motor disability of the senior is as follows: patient lying, wheelchair, walker, lift, belay and assistance in movement.
Some of the charges, having problems with movement, do not require help with every activity. The degree determining the help in moving senior, we have included in several options: large help, medium help, little help, does not help, no transfer.
Elderly people, often due to their health problems, are not able to take care of household chores at all or a little. The senior’s family or the senior can indicate, in the CRM Hrily application, activities or home treatments with which he would need help. The list includes: shopping, washing, cooking, ironing, washing dishes, cleaning the flat, gardening, working with pets.
Medical treatments
Very often, the people who are to be looked after by a potential client need all kinds of medical treatments and help with them. We have also taken this aspect into account. The list includes: measuring blood pressure, supervising medication, massaging, gymnastics, administering oxygen, measuring sugar levels, rehabilitation, keeping medical records, administering insulin, giving injections, probe PGE, administering drip, operating a ventilator
Information needed for documents
A care agency needs some relevant information to conclude a contract with a potential caregiver or client. All the options below are configurable, and the options below are just examples.
Personal and contact number
We mean the telephone number of the client and caregiver, as well as the ID card number. However, we have extended this scope to include contact with a close caregiver (wife, husband, child) so that in an emergency situation, for example, this person can provide return transport from the work place. When it comes to a potential client, the range of contacts, numbers has been extended to include those for the family of the mentee as well as the senior himself, because often the client of the Care Agency may be someone from the family or a spouse.
Relationship with the contact person
An addition to the list of contacts in the Hrily CRM panel is the ability to enter more people and their data, which is an extraordinary facilitation of work for the Care Agency, so that in situations requiring urgent contact, you can communicate with more than one person from the client’s close environment, the mentee.
Type of document
We include here all the documents that the mentee has to hold on. Most often these are data: identification number, passport, FTIN, driving licence. For foreigners, this is additionally information about the residence permit and whether the person is a resident or not.
Marital status
We can choose from the following options: married, single / maiden /, divorced, widower.
Insurance status
This is important from the point of view of the contract, taxes, contributions and other fees that the Care Agency must pay as part of hiring a caregiver. This option allows you to select any configuration of settings for each caregiver individually.
Additional information
This information mainly expands our knowledge about the caregiver to be able to better match him to the right mentee.
Caregiver allergies
We have the option to select options from among the available, for example, allergy to: pollen, house dust mites, animal hair and epidermis, mould spores. Thanks to this, the recruiter will be able to better match the potential client with the caregiver.
Character traits
Thanks to this option, the caregiver has the opportunity to better show himself and specify the features of his character that are important to him. We believe that it is also an amazing convenience for a potential client who, if he requires activation, we will look for an active, talkative caregiver for him. The list includes: calm, gentle, active, mobile, talkative, distanced, patient, accurate.
The above-mentioned aspect of the possibility of marking character traits is also combined with the option of choosing a hobby by a potential caregiver. This is another of the basics that makes the recruiter’s task easier in a good fit. The list includes, for example: reading, painting, needlework, baking, swimming, singing
For some families, it is important that the potential caregiver is well-educated. The list includes education from primary to higher education.
Training courses
In this tab, the recruiter has the opportunity to present the entire spectrum of courses and trainings that improve the qualifications of the Caregiver of an elderly person. The list includes the course: paramedic, massage, care for a disabled person
Preferred access
The caregiver can indicate which access to the work place he prefers. This is extremely important, because if you choose the option of organizing a ride through the Care Agency, you are able to enter all relevant information regarding the details of travel in one tab. Among the options to choose from, of course, there is also access on your own.
Types of address
In this tab, the caregiver has the option of providing more than one address. We mean addresses: residence, registration, correspondence, business and other.
Status Covid
Although the Covid pandemic has officially ended, many families of seniors still want all the necessary information regarding the course of the disease in a potential caregiver. Most often this is a taken aspect due to the fact that seniors are usually sick people, so their immunity is also reduced. In the ERP Hrily application, you have the opportunity to mark the covid status, the course of the disease, etc
Bank account currencies
Information extremely important. In addition to providing basic information, such as account details, you have the option of selecting in which currency you would like to earn a caregiver
Statistics of recruitment of caregivers
Reason for cancellation
Sometimes there are various, unforeseen situations in which the caregiver, despite the signed contract, resigns from work. In the Hrily CRM application, you have the opportunity to mark the reason for the resignation and possibly mark the guardian on the blacklist, which in the future clearly indicates not to start further conversations with such a person. The list includes: pension and blacklist.
Caregiver status
During the matching of the client with the potential caregiver and vice versa, you have the opportunity to view the status of the caregiver, which facilitates and streamlines the work of Care Agencies. The list includes: ready to send, at home, locked, on assignment.
Some caregivers have a sophisticated profession that is important for the caregiver of an elderly person. In the case of a nurse or paramedic, it is worth saving such information. It happens that the senior is a gourmet, so it will be good to quickly find someone who is a pastry chef by profession. Such a combination can be crucial.
Source of acquisition
The tab most often needed for statistics in the Care Agency. Of the available options, you have: Facebook, recommendation, from an intermediary, OLX, internet, caregiver called, form, visit to the branch, other, no information. Your Care Agency recruits caregivers through various channels that involve your time and financial resources. It is worth knowing what effects individual sources of acquiring caregivers bring.
When setting up your account, it’s a good idea to enlist the help of the Hrily team. Our team supports you in many languages. Our experience is based on hundreds of workshops with Care Agencies from Germany, Polish, Austria, the Netherlands, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Croatia and others.