Creating documents in the Care Agency – improvement

The Care Agency from Katowice, which has a well-implemented CRM program Hrily, suggested a change in the documents. The existing solution was there before, but it did not support all cases.

Contact person in the customer profile

You can add multiple contacts to a customer (family) profile. Only one person can be a formal customer. However, the issue concerned the second person, who is to automatically appear on the documents. All contact persons have so-called activities assigned to them. This is a customizable list that any care company can tailor to their needs. One such activity is a Contact Person. That person’s data will be used by templates to create documents. This designation can be changed in a simple way during cooperation with the family. The application allows you to make such a change in a few moments.

Document templates in the Care Agency

In templates that create documents, you can add contact person tags in the right place. These are:

  • Name and surname
  • Phone 1
  • Phone 2
  • Email
  • Address – city, postal code, street, number

The content of the template is arbitrary, and Care Agencies in selected documents can use the option of adding contact person data. This is a unique need that Care Agencies have, which is why such a feature has been added to Hrily’s ERP program.

Creating documents

The document is created automatically. The data is added automatically with the possibility of any editing. The document retrieves the contact person’s data from the contact who currently has the action assigned to it: The contact person.

In the family profile, contact persons can be many. The change we’ve made allows you to retrieve the details of a family member as a contact person who is any of these people. It can be a customer or another person.

Change contact person

If you want to present another person’s data on the document:

  • In the customer profile, edit the contact person whose data is to appear in the document
  • Select the Contact person action
  • update the document
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