Column settings in tables

The overriding assumption of the creators of the Hrily platform, addressed to the care industry, is to provide users with a tool that:

  • is easy to use
  • provides specific information with a single click
  • gives easy access to information
  • suggests what needs to be done
  • automates work at all stages of work of companies providing care services 24h – recruitment, sales, coordination, documents, settlements, transfers

Employees perform various tasks, so they need various data from the module clients, mentees, contracts, settlements, statements, documents, tasks, messages, and more. Therefore, the Hrily ERP system has many tables with the ability to filter, manage columns, sort, and save queries, and all this is integrated with the dashboard.

How column and filter management works

First, select the appropriate table. We expand options with filters, columns, and queries. After clicking on the columns, we have a list of current columns in the table and additional ones that we can also choose. To add a column, click on the selected heading. A new column is added to the end of the table. Remove the column from the current columns by clicking the X next to the header.

To change the order of columns, click on the heading, and two arrows appear <>. Clicking on the arrow on the left will move the column in the table to the left, the same as the arrow on the right. After you set the columns you want, click Apply in the correct order. A table with new settings will load.

It is worth adding that column management can be combined with filtering. The table prepared in this way can be saved as a query with any name.

Above the tables is a list of available queries. One-click on the query loads a table that has:

  • Set filters
  • Selected columns
  • Is sorted accordingly
  • displays the selected number of rows per page

Queries in the dashboard

You can save a query to all tables. A saved query can be added to a dashboard that shows selected information. In addition, you can add the most important queries to the top bar. Next to the query name, a list of records that meets the selected filtering is presented.

List of tables in CRM for Care Agencies

Below is a list of tables in the Hrily platform for Care Agencies. In addition, we also present available columns and filters. Users are free to use these tools. The Hrily implementation team is at your disposal, Call and arrange a free presentation.

Table with customers (families)

The list of available columns is — broker, telephone, e-mail, gender, type of contract, contract to, contract from, the reason for termination of the contract, source of acquisition, date of addition, note, date of last contact, date of next contact, number of mentees, mentees, date of acquisition, settlement period, rate, currency rate, type of rate, surcharges, the value of surcharges, method of submitting the invoice, broker’s commission, data for billing statements, gender of the caregiver, minimum and maximum age of the caregiver, smoking, alcohol, driving license, COVID status, preferred nationality of the caregiver, the language of care, minimum language level, place of stay of the caregiver, care address (city, postal code, region)

The list of available filters is the same as in the case of a list with available columns, so you have a lot of choices.

It is worth noting that customer data is presented in 5 separate tables, these are:

  • Caregivers
  • Addresses
  • Contacts
  • Experience in care
  • Bank accounts

Table with caregivers

The list of available columns is- active, status, ID, name, surname, gender, marital status, foreign language, smoking, alcohol, driving licence, preferred commute, duration of the order (minimum and maximum), telephone, email, availability, date of birth, age, profession, education, height, weight, character traits, hobbies, caregiver allergies, source of acquisition, reason for resignation, date added, last edit, date acquired, COVID status, declaration of illness, date of illness, type of contract and from to when it lasts, expected rate, type of rate, billing period, contract status, note, date of last and next contact, obtained from partner, recruiter, coordinator, place of birth, maiden name, father’s and mother’s name, nationality, citizenship, resident, residence permit, work permit, insurance status, name and address of the Tax Office, data for settlement statements, experience with diseases, courses and training, body hygiene, mobility, nutrition, housekeeping, free time, medical treatments, sleep activities, transfer, other, place of stay, experiences, preferred location

The list of available filters is the same as the list with available columns.

It is worth noting that the data from the caregivers are presented in 4 separate tables, these are:

  • Addresses
  • Contacts
  • Experience in care
  • Bank accounts

Table with documents

The list of available columns is- actions, date added, number of versions, date of last version, date of sending

The list of available filters is further expanded with options such as; ID, document name, and template.

Billing table

The list of available columns is contract ID, caregiver and client partner, rate, start and end date of care, customer ID, customer name, caregiver and client partner ID, caregiver name, caregiver partner ID, caregiver insurance status

The list of available filters is further expanded with options such as; Billing category, number of days, currency, service value, sum of additions and deductions, and total value.

Table with contracts

The list of available columns is- client contract status, caregiver contract status, client intermediary, mentees, caregiver intermediary, caregiver wants to return to the client, client wants the caregiver back, care start date, care end date, note, coordinator

The list of available filters also has the option of selecting the date of departure and arrival.

It is worth noting that data from contracts are presented in 6 separate tables, these are:

  • caregivers
  • billing settings
  • settlement
  • missing settlements
  • additions and deductions
  • crossings

Table with tasks

The list of available columns is- date added, caregiver, client, broker, contract, agency, start date, planned end date

The list of available filters also has the option of selecting status, ID, and Author.

To sum up, the Hrily CRM system has extremely extensive functions that streamline and optimize your work to the maximum. With just a few clicks, we do a job that would take a lot more time to do with classic methods. We are constantly expanding our platform to meet the expectations of our customers even more. If you have any questions or want to use ERP Hrily, please contact us.

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