What should I do before the arrival of the caregiver of an elderly person?

You are wondering how best to prepare for the arrival of a person who will act as a caregiver for your loved one. If you are just waiting for your first caregiver for round-the-clock care, then you certainly want this first day to be the beginning of a fruitful and positive cooperation. To ensure the best possible first impression, there are a few important points to note. Let’s make sure we have a good start to work together. 

The first impression plays a huge role. It determines many issues, especially the beginning of cooperation between the caregiver and the mentee. Show that you value his decision to take on such an important role and appreciate his professionalism.

Do not forget, however, that concrete actions are equally important. Make sure your home is prepared to welcome a new person. Does the caregiver have an assigned place to sleep? Does he know where the most important things are? Joint discussion of the organization of the day, the needs of the mentee, and establishing some rules prevailing at home and cooperation will certainly facilitate the start of the caregiver in a new role. Proper preparation for the arrival of a caregiver is an investment in the future. A good atmosphere, mutual understanding, and trust are the keys to making an elderly person feel safe and comfortable under the care of a new person. So let’s give ourselves and the caregiver a chance for the best possible start to this important cooperation.

A new situation for your family 

Deciding to invite a caregiver of an elderly person to your home is a big step and a challenge for every family. Because your loved one has to get used to the new person, and the fact that he will be a regular visitor at home, it is worth preparing well for this change.  First of all, inform all relevant people about the arrival of the caregiver. Organize an introductory meeting so that everyone can get to know each other and discuss key issues. Difficult situations for the whole family can be alleviated if you monitor the needs of a family member who needs the help of a caregiver on an ongoing basis. Understanding that this is a difficult situation not only for the patient but also for the caregiver and your whole family, is the key to building mutual trust.

What is the situation from the point of view of the caregiver of an elderly person? 

Assuming such an important role, the caregiver enters the unknown, often in a foreign country, without knowing the national language. So let’s be empathetic to his situation. After a long journey, the caregiver may be tired, hungry, thirsty, and need a break. In a new place, he has to meet many people, not quite knowing what awaits him. In a short time, he must remember a lot of information about the needs and preferences of the mentee. So let’s give him time to acclimatize, understand the new place, and build relationships with the mentee. Understanding and support from the family are invaluable in these first, so important days of adaptation.

The caregiver must start performing tasks as soon as they arrive.

It is not easy to enter a strange home and immediately know how best to proceed, especially when, after a short greeting, family members leave the retirement home and the caregiver is left alone with the elderly person. So let’s focus on how to help the caregiver in this new role. If possible, it would be worthwhile for someone from the family to visit the senior and caregiver for the first few days. Such support is invaluable and allows the person employed by us to inquire about important matters and solve any doubts.

How to help caregivers adapt?

The key is understanding and empathy. It is necessary to understand that the caregiver, although experienced, is in a new place and will not remember everything at once. Let us support him in learning by answering questions and encouraging him to ask them.

 Write down important things on a piece of paper: One practical way to support the caregiver in adapting is to make a list of the most important information and issues. Write down on a piece of paper the address of the house, contact details of the charges, and family members. If possible, introduce the caregiver to the nearest neighbors so that they can help or provide information if necessary. Indicate what is not working or can not be used in the house and where the things that the caregiver will need are located. Such practical information will greatly facilitate his first days in a new place.

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