Testimonials of an elderly person’s caregiver

What are testimonials?

References are a written certificate of the competence and skills of the employee, and in the context of care for the elderly – confirmation of the professionalism, experience, and commitment of the caregiver. Testimonials are relevant to job seekers in care, and families often use them to get to know the ideal candidate better and make the best choice. 

In which language should the references of the guardian of an elderly person be issued? Ideally, they should be in the language of the country where the caregiver intends to work. Although the English language is often treated as universal and widely accepted.

Who gives references? 

Not everyone is entitled to issue references. The most suitable person to issue a reference is the person receiving the care. This document may also be issued by a close family member or other authorised person. It must be a person who has had frequent contact with the caregiver and knows exactly what duties he had and how he fulfilled them. 

What is in the testimonials of the caregiver of the elderly? 

Each reference should contain several key information, such as the name and surname of the caregiver, data of the elderly person along with his age and state of health, the scope of duties performed by the caregiver, and the date of issue of the document. In addition, it is extremely important to determine the period of cooperation and contact with the family. At the end of the reference, of course, the signature of the person issuing the reference cannot be missing.

What does a caregiver of the elderly gain thanks to references?

References are not only a formality but above all the credibility of your person and experience in the eyes of potential employers and families. Thanks to them, the caregiver has a better chance of attractive job offers and more attractive remuneration. References are also proof that the caregiver perfectly understands the specifics of work in this industry and the duties associated with it.

What if the family does not want to issue a reference? 

It may happen that the family for various reasons does not want to issue a reference. In such a situation, it is worth discussing this topic to better understand their concerns and convey to employers the importance of such written confirmation of experience.

Example of references for an elderly person’s caregiver

I hereby confirm that Mrs/Mr. Helena Tkacz worked as a caregiver of my father/mother, [Helga Weber], in the period from 4 to 09.2023 to 03.11.2023/Throughout the entire period of cooperation, Mrs/Mr. Helena Tkacz showed not only high personal culture and empathy, but also professionalism in performing his duties. 

In addition, she showed initiative in organizing free time [the name of an elderly person], which significantly improved his/her quality of life.

Communication with Mrs. Helena Tkacz was always at the highest level, and any problems or difficulties were quickly and effectively solved.

I highly recommend Mrs. Helena Tkacz as a responsible, trustworthy, and competent caregiver of the elderly. I am convinced that in every home it will be a valuable component of the team caring for the well-being of the elderly.

If you have any questions, please contact me at [phone number] or e-mail address: [email address].


[Name of the Referee]

How many references should an elderly caregiver have? 

The multiplicity of documents testifies to better credibility of the experience and commitment of the caregiver. The lack of references can make the family doubt about choosing the ideal candidate for a caregiver. The reasons may be several from a beginner in the profession to the lack of willingness of the family to issue references. 

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