Hrily Connect has been added to the Hrily platform at the initiative of our customers. The goal we wanted to achieve was to improve the running of the Care Agency, and thus save time when performing tasks.
What do we want to serve?
An agency from Germany has already added a profile of a family in Hrily who are looking for care services. This company wants to pass on the family profile to its partners in Eastern Europe.
With just 6 clicks, the family profile is added to the partner account of the Care Agency from Eastern Europe. This feature streamlines the running of the care business in both companies. This shortens the flow of information to a large extent, which will result in faster offering of specific caregivers to the family.
Therefore, the following work will no longer be carried out:
- Create a family profile in PDF
- Send an email with your family profile
The Hrily platform supports people running Care Agencies. Hrily Connect reduces the workload in the next area.
Step-by-step account setup
The Care Agency from Germany does the following:
- We enter the Partners module
- We search for the Partner to whom we want to send data
- Make sure that we have the Entrusting customers switch selected in the partner’s profile

- Then we go to the edit mode
- In the Data transfer section, activate the Data receiving switch – the partner receives data from us

- In the same section we complete two fields
Partner’s Hrily Account” is the URL that the Partner will provide to you.
Then type the Data Transfer Key. Your partner will have to enter the same password.
At this point, the account of the Care Agency, which wants to transfer family profiles, is ready.
Contact your partner Care Agency. Give each other the data from the last step.
Instructions on how to connect the account of the Care Agency, which receives families (clients), can be found HERE.
How do I use Hrily Connect?
To send a specific family profile, the Welfare Agency from Germany does the following:
- In the family profile, click on the + icon in the table Forwarded to partners.

- A popup will appear, where we select the Care Agency to which we want to send family data and select the Automatic mode. Save.
In real-time, family data is sent to the selected partner Care Agency.
Who do I send data to?
The data is sent to a company that meets all of the following conditions:
- uses Hrily
- works with your company
- You and your partner are using Hrily Connect and it has been successfully launched