How to find a job in care without a language?

Nowadays, an increasing number of people choose to work as caregivers for the elderly in Germany, becoming support and companionship for seniors in everyday life. This profession not only gives a sense of satisfaction and allows you to show empathy, but also allows you to discover a new country and culture. However, many people wonder if it is possible to work in the care of seniors in Germany without knowing a foreign language. In this article, you will learn that although language is an important aspect, there are ways to find a job in this industry even if you have not learned German. Discover the paths you can take to start your career as a caregiver for the elderly in Germany, even if you are just starting with this profession and language.

Job advertisements without language

Check current job advertisements as a caregiver for an elderly person without a language. The Hrily classifieds portal is regularly updated to present the latest offers. The Best Care Agencies receive a quality certificate, which certifies that they are professional employers.

What is included in the job advertisement in care?

Responsibilities of the caregivers

An important element of a job advertisement for a caregiver for the elderly is a detailed job description and a precise scope of duties. You will learn who you will be looking after and what skills are required.

Requirements and Qualifications

Notices shall also contain information on the qualifications and skills required. You will find out if prior practice in senior care, healthcare-related certifications, family requirements, or first aid courses are needed.

Order location

Many advertisements contain information about the location where the work will be performed and forms of employment. These are important employment issues so that you can tailor your search to your preferences related to the place and dates of work.

Type of contract

In the care industry, several types of contracts are most commonly used. Think about what kind of contract you expect. Ask the recruiter about the model contract, pension contributions, taxes, and contractual penalties. Many care agencies apply contractual penalties, so it’s better to be clear about this right away.

Remuneration and benefits

Advertisements as a caregiver for the elderly often also present employment conditions, such as remuneration, working hours, or additional benefits, e.g. accommodation or support in language learning. This information will help you assess whether your offer meets your expectations.

Care in a Polish family in Germany.

The first trip as a carer of the elderly can be to a Polish family in Germany. There are many job offers where one of the care people speaks Polish. However, it should be borne in mind that wages for caring for such families may be lower. The time before departure and the stay itself can be used to learn German, which will allow you to learn the basics and master useful phrases that will be appreciated by the Care Agency when looking for further job offers.

Working in care with English

Please note that there are job offers in Germany with other foreign languages such as; English, Italian, French, and Turkish. If you know one of these foreign languages, it is worth asking if there are job offers in care that meet these criteria.

What are your strengths?

A caregiver without German has a chance to find a very good job offer. When recruiting caregivers, hiring people ask questions about many aspects, including:

German language level. 

If you know the basics of German and are open to learning, let the recruiter know and check your level. Point out that you will learn the language until and during the trip, which will benefit the family you will take care of, you, and the Employment Agency itself. It is worth mentioning that many Care Agencies allow their caregivers access to free German language courses.

Driving licence.

 Many families require driving. If you can drive a car in Germany, check it and see if you can earn more.


 Hardly anyone is allowed to smoke cigarettes nowadays. If you don’t smoke, tick it and increase your chances of finding an attractive offer.

Getting up at night. 

The elderly often need help at night. Hardly anyone wants to get up several times a night, but maybe it is for you on the first job.


 It is a transfer between the bed, stroller, and bath. A caregiver for an elderly person sometimes needs to be ready for such help. Of course, it is important how much the ward weighs and whether he helps with these activities. If you are not afraid of such activities, it is worth mentioning.

Apartment in the countryside

 Consider the possibility of living in the country without a car on the first trip.

Living with family members.

 It is difficult to find a caregiver who wants to take care of a senior living with his family. Let’s say that it is a daughter and her family. This may cause your family to judge you and ask for additional work, but it doesn’t have to be that way. It is worth considering.

Experience in care

Many people from Eastern European countries have experience in caring for seniors. These were often parents or other relatives. Be sure to tell the recruiter about the period of care, the health of the mentee and his diseases, and the scope of activities that you performed.

Expected salary.

 If you are thinking about working in the long term, it is worth learning German. The most difficult is the beginning, so you can opt for a lower salary, treating it as an investment. Ask the recruiter about the expected level of language proficiency.

Christmas period and summer.

 There are periods when few caregivers decide to go and work as a caregiver. If working during these periods is acceptable to you, maybe this is a way to start working as a caregiver in Germany without knowing the language.

How to choose the first order?

Deciding on the first assignment is an important step because it will have a significant impact on your later image of this work. Location, accommodation, number of charges, and what they expect from the babysitter are factors that should be carefully considered. Below are practical tips to help you choose the right job for your skills, preferences, and career goals.


The choice of location is important because it affects your daily life and comfort. Consider whether you prefer to work in the city or the countryside, close to larger centers or away from them. The choice of location depends on your preferences and needs.


Job offers for caregivers for the elderly in Germany describe the surroundings and accommodation. Think about what conditions you want to be in and what is important to you. Elements such as internet access, separate rooms, car access, garden, and distance from shops, and parks will affect your comfort.

Number of wards

When choosing a job as a caregiver for the elderly, pay attention to the number of charges that will be entrusted to your care. Do you feel confident working with one person, or do you prefer to care for several seniors? Choose an order that suits your capabilities.

Scope of care work

Carefully analyze the scope of care work included in the offer. Does it include care for healthy seniors or also for people requiring special medical care? Choose an assignment from a German family that suits your skills and experience.

Careful consideration of the offer

Before you make a decision, read the job offer with understanding. Ask the employer questions about any doubts. Make sure you understand the responsibilities of a senior caregiver and the terms of the assignment.

How much does a caregiver without knowledge of German earn?

Many people wonder how much you can earn by working as a caregiver without fluency in German. The rates depend on many other competencies, types of contracts, duration, scope of duties, and readiness for the approach of language learning. However, we do not want to run away from answers. It is best to check the rates on the classifieds portal Hrily, where there are offers without language. There you will find current salaries. 

The impact of language skills on remuneration

Knowledge of German is an asset that can affect the salary of a caregiver. German speakers may have access to a wider range of job offers and be more attractive candidates for employers.

Cooperation with a recruitment agency

Working with a recruitment agency can make it easier to find a job as a caregiver for an elderly person in Germany. Agencies often offer support in the recruitment process, as well as access to offers with different employment conditions and remuneration.

Consideration of benefits

In addition to the salary itself, caregivers without fluency in German can benefit from additional benefits, such as allowances for holidays, holiday work, additional duties, or a quick trip.

What are your plans for learning German?

Language courses and vocational training for carers of the elderly

Although the lack of fluency in German is not an insurmountable barrier, it is worth considering attending language courses or vocational training. Check if the company offers a free German course. It is an investment in your future, which can increase your chances of finding a job and help you communicate more effectively with your mentees.

Readiness to learn a language

During the interview, emphasize your readiness and determination to learn German. Employers appreciate the commitment of candidates and are often willing to support the language development of their employees. If you are just looking for a job in care, it is worth starting to learn German immediately. The beginnings can be difficult, but the possibility of higher earnings and the comfort of staying in Germany is worth it.

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