How quickly can I get a caregiver for round-the-clock care?

A round-the-clock caregiver for an elderly person can be at your home in as little as one or two days.

What exactly do we mean? The caregiver of the elderly person will start working in your home. The scope of the care service will be tailored to the needs of your family. The qualifications of the caregiver will be appropriate and the rate for the service will be competitive.

Now you know how quickly you can find a caregiver. However, remember that the organization of care involves many aspects. The more time you give yourself, the care agency, and the caregiver yourself, the calmer the process will be. Therefore, contact one or more care agencies immediately. 

The Hrily Care Service platform offers a list of available caregivers for the elderly. There are profiles of caregivers of the elderly who are available now. These are people who provide care services to residence. Only the best, certified Care Agencies offer their services on the Hrily Care Service platform.

Choose the right caregiver and fill out the registration form. One of the questions concerns the date of commencement of care. You can choose a date or indicate as soon as possible. After sending the registration form, the relevant employees of the care agency will be notified in real-time and will contact you within a few moments. 

Although care agencies professionally organize care services with residents, they cannot take care of everything on their own. They need information from you, so prepare them so that the whole process runs smoothly. 

Determining what needs your family has

Before you decide to get a caregiver for round-the-clock care, it is crucial to thoroughly understand and define the needs of your family. How many people live in a household? Who among them needs support? The answers to these questions will help the care agency find the best solutions for your loved ones.

Who needs a caregiver for an elderly person?

Determine which people in your household will need care assistance. A caregiver can also help with washing, ironing, or cooking. Gathering the responsibilities of the caregiver is crucial. The person who comes to you will do what you require. Of course, upon arrival, it is possible to negotiate the scope of work. 

Profile of the person in need of care

The profile of the mentee collects information that is necessary to provide round-the-clock care of the highest quality. Below are examples of questions that the care agency will ask. 

  • What is the level of illness of individuals? 
  • What scope of care for them will be necessary? 
  • Do they need regular rehabilitation or pharmacological therapy? 
  • What duties related to sleep, transfer of a sick person, or body hygiene will be necessary? 

Then it is worth understanding the preferences of the mentee.

  • What does he like to do in his free time?
  • What aids does he use?
  • What does his typical day look like?

Having this information will allow you to find the perfect caregiver who will meet all the requirements and ensure the comfort of life for an elderly person.

When will you need a caregiver?

Each family has unique care needs; Every case is different. For some, care may be needed for a very specific period, such as when recovering from surgery. For others, it may be indefinite care, adapted to the constantly changing needs of the senior. Sometimes it is difficult to immediately determine how long cooperation will continue. If you find it difficult to determine the period of care, ask the care agency to come back to this issue at a later date. If the caregiver is to arrive quickly, it is worth not to prolong such arrangements. 

Caregiver’s whereabouts

Providing the right conditions for the caregiver is crucial for good cooperation. The following are important for the caregiver:

  • What does the caregiver’s room look like? 
  • Does it have a separate bathroom? 

The description of the house or apartment should be accurate so that the caregiver is clear about his or her whereabouts.

  • What area will the caregiver be staying in? 
  • Is it a big city, a small city, or maybe a village? 
  • How far are the shops, or maybe there is a park or other place to walk? 

In the case of caregivers coming from afar, it is worth determining whether they have access to the family car, public transport, and the Internet. Providing the caregiver with comfortable working conditions is an investment in the quality of care for loved ones.

When can a caregiver of an elderly person have a break?

You can’t expect a caregiver to work around the clock. This is impossible and unhealthy for both the caregiver and the mentee. Therefore, it is crucial to determine when the caregiver can have time only for himself. Does the caregiver have regular breaks during the day? Or maybe free moments on specific days of the week? Even the best babysitter needs to rest, regenerate, and just have a moment for herself. Remember that a relaxed and rested caregiver is a better quality of support for our seniors.

Contract, rate for round-the-clock care service

A key step in hiring a caregiver is to write down the contract. First, determine for what period the care is to be – the contract must specify this. Another important issue is the monthly rate you can pay for a caregiver. What are the payment terms? What notice period has been set? Does the contract contain a description of the requirements for the caregiver and the exact scope of duties? The conclusion of such an agreement is not only a legal necessity but also guarantees clarity and transparency in your cooperation. The contract contains many other elements, so read it carefully and consult an expert if in doubt. Good cooperation is based on transparency and mutual understanding.

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