Grandma’s home remedies for a low pulse

Proven home remedies for low heart rate — chronic low heart rate

A low pulse rate, often medically referred to as a diagnosis of bradycardia, can have various causes and be perceived differently. While a low pulse can be a sign of high cardiovascular efficiency (or an athlete’s heart) in well-trained athletes, in other people it could indicate health problems (e.g., a cardiac arrhythmia). Fortunately, there are a number of proven home remedies that can help increase resting heart rate naturally and help with bradycardia. These home remedies range from simple lifestyle adjustments to natural remedies that have been known for generations. However, it should always be noted that a doctor should always be consulted if symptoms persist or there are concerns about heart health. In this context, 24-hour elderly home care can also play an important role by providing supportive measures and continuous monitoring of the heart health of the elderly. In this article, we take a look at some traditional methods and practical tips that can help increase a low heart rate and show examples of therapy for bradycardia.

A traditional method to stimulate circulation — chronic low blood pressure

Warm foot baths have long been regarded as a simple but effective method to increase the prevention of bradycardia and a low pulse rate. The heat acts directly on the blood vessels by dilating them and thus having a low blood pressure. This can not only lead to a slightly increased pulse rate, but also bring a feeling of relaxation over the whole body. Here are some tips for optimal use:

Mode of action:

  • The warmth of the water promotes circulation by dilating the blood vessels in the legs. This can help to increase the flow of blood to the heart and thus, indirectly, to have a faster pulse.
  • In addition, the heat can help to relieve muscle tension and increase general well-being.

Tips for practice:

  • Regularity: regular foot baths can help to support long-term circulatory health and a faster beating heart.
  • Relaxation: Use the time in the footbath to relax. Read a book, listen to calming music, or practice breathing exercises to maximize the effect.
  • Aftercare: After the footbath, gently dry your feet and keep them warm. A light foot massage can have a positive effect on a healthy pulse.

Various teas-How this natural remedy helps blood pressure quickly

Ginger tea, lime blossom tea, rosemary tea, licorice root tea have been known for centuries for their many health benefits and are valued worldwide as both a stimulant and a natural remedy. One of the remarkable effects of ginger is its ability to promote blood circulation, potentially preventing low pulse rate. This makes ginger tea a valuable supplement for people looking for natural ways to support their circulation. Combined with round-the-clock care, regular intake of these teas can help provide ongoing support and monitoring of heart health, especially for the elderly or those with existing cardiovascular disease.

How tea works:

  • Promote blood flow: tea contains compounds such as gingerly and shoals, which have a vasodilation effect, meaning they can dilate blood vessels and therefore prevent slow heartbeat.
  • Stimulation of circulation: The improved blood flow from consuming tea can help the heart work more efficiently, which can help prevent dangerously low heart rates.

Exercise and light sports home remedies for a faster heart rate

Exercise and light sports play an essential role in strengthening the cardiovascular system and can naturally help to increase the heart rate and stimulate circulation. Regular physical activity promotes blood circulation, strengthens the heart and increases the body’s oxygen supply. In addition to these physical activities, creative pursuits are also an important aspect for seniors, contributing to mental health and general well-being. Creative activities such as painting, music, needlework, or writing can not only improve the quality of life, but also support cognitive function and provide a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. Here are how these home remedies help and tips for getting started:

Tips for getting started:

  • Start slow: Start with light activities and gradually increase the intensity and duration to avoid overexertion.
  • Regularity: Try to incorporate physical activity regularly into your weekly schedule. Just 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week can have a positive effect on heart health.
  • Warm up and cool down: Start each exercise session with a short warm-up and finish with a cool-down to relax the muscles and slowly normalize the heart rate.

Nutrition tips-low blood pressure home remedies

A balanced diet plays a crucial role in supporting a healthy cardiovascular system and can help to naturally regulate a low heart rate. Certain foods contain nutrients that can positively influence the heart rate and improve blood flow. Here are some dietary tips and foods that are particularly beneficial:

Potassium-rich diet

  • Foods: Bananas, sweet potatoes, avocados, spinach and white beans.
  • Effect: Potassium helps to stabilize blood pressure and supports normal heart function.


  • Effect: Adequate fluid intake is crucial for blood circulation and can help regulate blood pressure and heart rate.

Nutrition tips:

  • Balanced diet: A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins supports overall heart health.(ex: increase pulse, rosemary)
  • Reduce salt: Too much salt in the diet can raise blood pressure and increase the risk of heart disease. Try to limit your salt intake.
  • Moderate consumption of caffeine and alcohol: Both can affect heart rate and should be consumed in moderation.

Relaxation techniques home remedies for low blood pressure

Stress is a known risk factor for various cardiovascular diseases and can also have a direct impact on the heart rate. In stressful situations, the pulse rate can rise, which puts a strain on the heart in the long term. Therefore, relaxation techniques are an important part of the prevention and management of cardiovascular problems, including a low or irregular heart rate. Here are some effective relaxation techniques that can help reduce stress and promote a healthy heart rate:

Breathing exercises

  • Deep and conscious breathing can help to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which is the part of the nervous system responsible for relaxation. This can calm the pulse and lower blood pressure.

Progressive muscle relaxation

  • This technique involves alternately tensing and relaxing different muscle groups in the body. It helps to release physical tension caused by stress and promotes a sense of calm.


  • Regular meditation can calm the mind, reduce stress and contribute to emotional balance. Techniques such as mindfulness meditation or guided meditation can be particularly helpful.

Tips for integrating them into everyday life:

  • Regularity: try to practice relaxation techniques regularly to maximize their positive effects.
  • Personal preferences: Find out which techniques are most comfortable and effective for you, as this will increase the likelihood of you sticking with them long-term.
  • Small breaks: Integrate short relaxation exercises into your daily routine, for example during your break at work or before going to bed.

The limits of grandma’s home remedies

Although home remedies and natural approaches can offer many health benefits, there are situations where medical advice is essential. Especially in the context of low pulse and cardiovascular complaints, it is important to recognize the limitations of home remedies and know when it is time to see a doctor. Here are some tips on when medical advice is needed:

Unclear diagnosis

  • If the cause of a low pulse or other symptoms is unclear, a medical examination is necessary to rule out serious illnesses.

Appearance of new symptoms

  • The onset of new or unexpected symptoms, such as sudden pain, severe shortness of breath or changes in consciousness, requires immediate medical attention.

Lower pulse rate symptoms

  • Children and the elderly are particularly susceptible to health complications. For these groups, medical attention should be sought at the first sign of discomfort or change in health.
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