German Lesson 17
Symptoms and Diseases: Communication with Seniors

Today, starting our 17th German lesson on Hrily platform, I want to share with you something that happened in my life and is undoubtedly connected to our shared passion for learning German and caring for seniors. Recently, I had the opportunity to attend a seminar on Polish-German relations in the care industry for the elderly. As a person with Polish-German roots, I am particularly interested in how these two nations can work together to improve the quality of life of seniors. It was a wonderful experience that showed me how important it is to understand the culture and language in this responsible job.
German vocabulary for caregivers
Moving on to our lesson today, we will focus on Symptoms and Illnesses: Communicating with Seniors. This will be crucial for anyone who wants to work as a senior caregiver, whether in Poland or Germany. To make it easier for you to understand and communicate with your students, today we will learn 10 new words together with their German equivalents. Here they are:
- Fever – das Fieber
- Cough – der Husten
- Pain – der Schmerz
- Fatigue – die Müdigkeit
- Appetite – der Appetit
- Medicine – das Medikament
- Caregiver – der Pflegerin
- Senior – der Seniorin
- Medical visit – der Arztbesuch
- Nursing home – das Pflegeheim
These words will facilitate everyday communication and help to understand the needs of seniors. Remember, language learning is the foundation of effective care for seniors.
Example dialogues – everyday phrases and expressions
Dialogue 1: Healthcare and daily activities (die Gesundheitspflege und tägliche Aktivitäten)
Ewa: Herr Martin, fühlen Sie sich heute besser? Haben Sie Ihre Medikamente genommen?(Mr. Martin, are you feeling better today? Have you taken your medicines?)
Martin: Ja, danke Ewa. Ich habe sie nach dem Frühstück genommen. Aber ich fühle mich etwas müde.(Yes, thank you Eva. I took them after breakfast. But I feel a little tired.)
Dialogue 2: Conversation on Interests (Über die Interessen sprechen)
Ewa: Ich habe gesehen, dass Sie viel über Geschichte lesen. Was ist Ihr Lieblingsthema? (I saw that you read a lot about history. What is your favorite topic?)
Martin: Oh, ich liebe es, über das antike Rom zu lesen. Es ist so faszinierend! (Oh, I love reading about ancient Rome. It’s so fascinating!)
Dialogue 3: Common Interests(die gemeinsame Interessen)
Ewa: Herr Martin, mögen Sie klassische Musik? Ich habe Karten für ein Konzert nächste Woche.(Mr. Martin, do you like classical music? I have tickets to the concert next week.)
Martin: Ja, sehr! Das wäre wunderbar, zusammen hinzugehen. Vielen Dank, Ewa!(Yes, very much! It would be great to go together. Thank you very much, Eva!)
Interactive Exercises: Strengthening Language Skills
Task 1: Creating Care Scenarios
Task Description: In this exercise, students are asked to create short care scenarios using the words and phrases learned in today’s lesson. Scenarios should reflect day-to-day situations in the care of the elderly, such as help with taking medication, talking about well-being or organizing leisure time. The script must be prepared in Polish and then translated into German.
Example: Scenario: The caregiver asks the elderly about their well-being and reminds them to take medication. English: Good morning, Mr. Janie, how are you feeling today? Do you remember taking your meds in the morning? German: Good morning, Herr Jan, how do you feel today? Do you remember to take your medication in the morning?
Task 2: Simulation of Talking to a Senior
Description of the assignment: The aim of this assignment is to simulate a conversation with a senior, in which students will be able to practically apply the acquired language skills. Students should assume the role of a caregiver and conduct a fictional conversation with a senior, using vocabulary related to healthcare and everyday life of senior citizens. It is recommended that interviews be conducted in pairs, with one trainee playing the role of a caregiver and the other as a senior.
Example: A conversation about a senior’s daily plan and needs. English:Caregiver: Good morning, what would you like to do today? Are there any special needs I should know about? Senior: Good morning, I would like to spend some time in the garden. Please help me put my jacket on. German:Betreuer: Guten Morgen, was möchten Sie heute tun? Haben Sie spezielle Bedürfnisse, die ich wissen sollte? Senior: Guten Morgen, ich würde gerne etwas Zeit im Garten verbringen. Könnten Sie mir helfen, meine Jacke anzuziehen?
These assignments aim not only to learn German, but also to prepare students to work more effectively as a caregiver for the elderly in Germany, through practical application of the language in realistic care scenarios.
Sightseeing and customs facts about Germany

Did you know that in Germany, in the heart of Bavaria, there is the picturesque city of Nuremberg, which is particularly lively during the Christmas season? Nuremberg is famous for one of the oldest and most famous Christmas markets in Europe, called Christkindlesmarkt. This charming market, held annually from late November to Christmas Eve, attracts thousands of visitors from all over the world.
For caregivers working in Germany, the winter time in Nuremberg can be a unique opportunity to experience traditional German customs. After hours, you can immerse yourself in the festive atmosphere and enjoy local delicacies such as Nuremberg baked sausages and the famous gingerbread. Strolling among the charming stalls, you can admire handmade Christmas decorations and handicrafts.
Working as a caregiver for an elderly person in Nuremberg during the winter is not only an opportunity for professional development, but also an opportunity to experience German culture and create unforgettable memories. So I encourage you to consider this region when choosing care assignments in Germany, especially during the holiday season. This is the perfect time to combine work with a little Christmas magic!
Summary of Lesson 17: German for Caregivers – Symptoms and Diseases: Communication with Seniors
Today’s lesson was an important step towards strengthening your communication skills with German-speaking seniors. We focused on the key vocabulary related to symptoms and diseases, which is necessary in the daily work of the caregiver. Thanks to practical dialogues and interactive exercises, you had the opportunity not only to learn new words, but also to apply them in realistic scenarios.
Remember, the ability to communicate effectively is just as significant as medical care. The language skills you gain will not only help you with everyday tasks, but also help you build a more profound relationship with the people you care for.
Don’t miss our next lesson: Medication and Dosage: Vocabulary Basics
The next lesson will be about medication and dosage, providing practical tips and vocabulary for talking about medication and its management. This knowledge is key to ensuring the safety and good care of seniors.
See you at the next lesson, where we continue our journey through the German nurturing language!