German for caregivers — Shopping: vocabulary and phrases.

German Lesson 20

Shopping: vocabulary and phrases

Today, before we begin our 20th German lesson, I’d like to share a short story with you. Recently, while in a store, I overheard a conversation between two ladies about elderly care. One of them expressed her gratitude to her mother’s caregiver, who works through a care agency. This reminded me of the wonderful work you do every day caring for seniors. Your work builds bridges between our cultures, Polish and German, which is extremely valuable.

German vocabulary for caregivers

Today’s lesson is titled German for Caregivers — Shopping: Vocabulary and Phrases. We’ll focus on learning words related to shopping, which is essential in the daily care of seniors. Here are the 10 words we’ll learn today:

  • Store — der Laden
  • Price — der Preis
  • Purchase — die Einkauf
  • Basket — der Korb
  • Receipt — der Kassenzettel
  • Payment — die Zahlung
  • Promotion — die Aktion
  • Products — die Produkte
  • Cashier/Cashier — der Kassierer/die Kassiererin
  • Discount — der Rabatt

I hope you will find these words useful in your daily work as a caregiver for seniors. I invite you to study them!

Sample dialogues – everyday phrases and expressions

Dialogue 1: Shopping planning (die Einkaufsplanung)

Eve: Herr Martin, was möchten Sie heute einkaufen? (Mr. Martin, what would you like to buy today?)

Martin: Ich brauche einige Lebensmittel. Kannst du bitte eine Liste machen? (I need some food products. Can you please make a list?)

Dialogue 2: In the store (im Geschaft)

Eve: Hier ist der Kassenzettel, Herr Martin. Möchten Sie jetzt nach Hause gehen?(Ewa: Here’s the receipt, Mr. Martin. Would you like to go home now?)

Martin: Ja, aber können wir vorher noch beim Bäcker vorbeischauen? Ich hätte gerne frisches Brot. (Yes, but could we stop by the bakery first? I would like fresh bread.)

Dialogue 3: After Shopping (Nach dem Einkaufen).

Eve: Herr Martin, wir haben alles gekauft, was Sie brauchten. Haben Sie sonst noch Wünsche?(Mr. Martin, we bought everything you required. Do you have any more wishes?)

Martin: Nein, danke. Ich schätze deine Hilfe sehr. (No, thank you, I appreciate your help very much.)

These dialogues are examples of typical interactions between a caregiver and a senior in a shopping context, helping learners understand and learn the practical use of German in everyday situations.

Interactive exercises: Reinforcing language skills

Task 1: Creating a Shopping List

Goal: To use vocabulary related to shopping in a practical situation.

Description: As a caregiver of an elderly person, imagine that you have to prepare a shopping list for your charge. Use the words you learned in today’s lesson to create a complete list. Be sure to include the elderly person’s special dietary needs, as well as products necessary for daily care.


  • der Kaffee (coffee)
  • das Vollkornbrot (whole wheat bread)
  • die Bananen (bananas)
  • die Zahnpasta (toothpaste)

Task 2: Dialogue in the Store

Goal: Practice dialogues in shopping situations.

Description: Create a short dialogue between you (as a caregiver) and the cashier/cashier at the store. In the dialogue, use vocabulary about shopping, payment and polite forms of communication that are important in the daily work of an elderly caregiver. You can also include a situation in which you need to explain the specific needs of your caregiver.

Example: Eve ( Betreuer): Guten Tag, ich hätte gerne diese Produkte. Kann ich bitte auch nach dem Preis für den Blutdruckmesser fragen? (Good morning, I would like these products. Can I also ask about the price of the blood pressure monitor?) Ein Kassierer: Natürlich, der Blutdruckmesser kostet 30 Euro. Möchten Sie ihn mitnehmen? (Of course, the blood pressure monitor costs 30 euros. Would you like to take it?)

These exercises are designed not only to improve German language skills, but also to give trainees the opportunity to put their newly acquired knowledge into practice in real-life situations related to caring for the elderly in Germany.

Interesting sightseeing and customs about Germany

Today, I would like to introduce you to a unique attraction from the city of Stuttgart — the Festival of Lights, which takes place every year in October.

Stuttgart, the capital of Baden-Württemberg, is known for its beautiful parks and gardens, which turn into a magical place in October thanks to the Festival of Lights. You can stroll among the fabulously illuminated roads, admiring the artistic light installations that bring the city’s parks and gardens to life.

As a caregiver for the elderly, spare time is just as important as work time. The Stuttgart Festival of Lights is the perfect opportunity to relax, unwind and be inspired by the surrounding beauty. The opportunity to work in the Stuttgart region during this time can not only be professionally beneficial, but also gives you a chance to experience this wonderful attraction.

I encourage all caregivers to consider working in the region, especially during the Festival of Lights period. This is a great opportunity to combine work with visiting one of the most colorful and visually impressive events in Germany.

Summary of Lesson 20: Shopping: Vocabulary and Phrases.

Congratulations on completing our 20th lesson in the German for Caregivers series. Today we focused on key vocabulary and phrases related to shopping, which is essential in the daily work of an elderly caregiver. Let’s take a look at what we accomplished:

  • Learning Vocabulary: We learned significant words, such as der Laden (store) and die Zahlung (payment), that help with daily shopping duties.
  • Practical Dialogues: We practiced dialogues that illustrate typical in-store scenarios, enabling us to communicate effectively in a German shopping environment.
  • Interactive Exercises: You completed tasks that reinforced your language skills, such as creating a shopping list or conducting dialogue in a store.
  • Country Trivia: Finally, we learned about a fascinating attraction in Germany – the Festival of Lights in Stuttgart, which can be an inspiring part of your leisure time while working in Germany.

I hope you find these lessons not only helpful in learning German, but also in your daily work and life experiences.

Invitation to the Next Lesson: Cooking and Recipes: Basic Words

I’m excited to invite you to our next lesson entitled German for Caregivers – Cooking and Recipes: Basic Words. We will continue our journey through the German language, this time focusing on

This is an ideal opportunity to learn words and phrases that will help you prepare meals for your residents, as well as understand German culinary culture. See you soon!

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