German Lesson 4
Go to Lesson 1 German for Caregivers
This is Eva, your German teacher. Today I feel extremely energetic – yesterday’s walk in the forest charged me with positive energy. I hope you are ready for a new dose of knowledge!
The subject of today’s lesson is Numbers.

As a caregiver for the elderly, numbers are essential – from measuring time, to counting medication, to planning the day. Today we’re going to focus on the numbers from 1 to 10. You will learn their pronunciation, spelling, and application in practical situations.
German vocabulary
Here are 10 words we will learn today:
One – Eins
Two – Zwei
Three – Drei
Four – Vier
Five – Funf
Six – Sechs
Seven – Sieben
Eight – Acht
Nine – Neun
Ten – Zehn
These words are the key to today’s exercises – remember them so that we can effectively begin.
Dialogues in German
Dialogue 1: Morning Breakfast Selection
Ewa: Guten Morgen, Herr Martin.Wie viele Brötchen möchten Sie zum Frühstück?(Good morning, Mr. Martin. How many rolls would you like for breakfast?)
Martin: Guten Morgen, Ewa. Zwei, bitte. (Goodmorning Eva, two, please.)
Dialogue 2: Planning the Activities of the Day
Ewa: Herr Martin, wie viele Stunden möchten Sie heute im Garten verbringen? (Mr. Martin, how many hours would you like to spend in the garden today?)
Martin: Ich denke, drei Stunden wären schön. (I think three hours would be fine.)
Dialogue 3: Weekend Planning
Ewa:Herr Martin, unser letztes gemeinsames Wochenende liegt vor uns. Wie würden Sie diese Zeit gerne verbringen? (Mr. Martin, we have our last weekend together. How would you like to spend this time)?
Martin:Warum die letzte? Immerhin sind Sie erst vor vier Wochen angekommen. (Why the last one? After all, you only arrived 4 weeks ago).
Ewa: Dieses Mal bin ich für einen Monat nach Deutschland gekommen, um mich um dich zu kümmern. Aber ich werde dich in 3 Monaten wieder besuchen.(This time I’ve come to Germany for a month, I’ll take care of you. But they will visit again in 3 months.)
Martin:Es ist gut, dass Sie wieder hierher kommen. (Oh, it’s good you’re coming here again.)
These dialogues combine practical situations from everyday life with learning numbers in German, which is particularly useful for caregivers of the elderly who want to expand their language skills in a natural context.
Assignments and exercises for students
Task 1: Pronunciation Exercise
Keywords: Listening, Repetition, Pronunciation
- Listen to the above dialogues. Focus on the pronunciation of words, especially those related to numbers. Pay attention to intonation and accent.
- Repeat after the lecturer. Try to imitate the accent and pronunciation as accurately as possible. Repeat this exercise several times to better understand and learn the correct pronunciation.
- Record your pronunciation. If you have the opportunity, record yourself repeating dialogues. Play the recording and compare your pronunciation with the speaker. It’s a great method for self-assessment.
Task 2: Creative Use of Language
Keywords: Modification, Creativity, Self-creation, Vocabulary
- Modify dialogs. Try to change some statements in the dialogues, keeping their main meaning. For example, you can change the numbers or the context of the conversation.
- Save your dialogs. Think of and write down short dialogues that could take place between you and the senior you care for. Use words related to numbers.
- Check words in the dictionary. Find in the translation dictionary five words related to the numbers that appeared in the dialogs. Write them down and try to create your own sentences with them.
- Repetition for better memory. In your spare time, repeat the newly learned words and sentences aloud. This will help you remember them better.
Remember that regular practice is the key to effective language learning. Use every opportunity to speak, listen, read and write German. Good luck!
Interesting facts about the German language
Welcome again, dear students! Today, I would like to share with you some fascinating curiosity about the German language that can be inspiring for anyone who learns the language.
Fascinating flexibility of German:
One of the unique features of German is its ability to create new words by combining existing ones. For example, the word “Schmetterling” (butterfly) – beautiful and unique – is an example of how German can create images through language. “Schmetterling” comes from the word “Schmetten” (cream) in the Austrian dialect, which is related to the old belief that butterflies steal cream.
This makes German not only a precise language, but also a creative one, allowing you to create visually and meaningfully rich words, which is extremely helpful in everyday communication. For caregivers of the elderly, who often have to be creative in their work, this feature of language can be very useful.
Personal anecdote:
During a recent walk in the park, the joy of the children playing ‘Versteckspiel’ (play of hide-and-seek) reminded me of the importance of fun and free communication in language learning.
I encourage you to keep in mind the creativity and freedom it offers when learning German. Allow yourself to explore and play with words, and you will see how much it can enrich your communication. Viel Spaß! (Have fun!)
Lesson summary

Today’s lesson was filled with numbers, from “eins” (one) to “zehn” (ten), which are not only the foundation of the language, but also key to our daily work as caregivers for the elderly. I hope the dialogues with Mr. Martin have helped you better understand how these numbers can be used in practical situations.
- Practice pronunciation of numbers.
- Try to create your own dialogues using today’s vocabulary.
- Use numbers in everyday situations to better remember them.
Invitation to the next meeting:
I can’t wait for our next meeting! In our fifth lesson, we will discover the fascinating world of Colors. Colors are all around us and are an important part of our communication, including in the care of seniors.
Keywords for the next lesson: Farben (colors), Sehen (vision), Beschreibung (description), Kommunikation (communication).
See you on the Hrily platform, where together we will continue our journey through the beauty of the German language. Bis bald! (See you soon!)