German for Caregivers – Months

Lesson 10 German

Start with a German First Language Lesson for Caregivers for the Elderly


Welcome to another German lesson in Hrily! I’m Ewa, your teacher, and I’m happy to welcome you today. This morning, while enjoying a quiet moment over a cup of coffee, I was thinking about the balance between work and rest. This is important in the context of care for the elderly, a role full of challenges and responsibilities.

German vocabulary for carers

Here are the words we will learn today:

  • January – Januar (der)
  • February – Februar (der)
  • March – Maerz (der)
  • April – April (der)
  • May – Mai (der)
  • June – Juni (der)
  • July – Juli (der)
  • August – August (der)
  • September – September (der)
  • October – Oktober (der)
  • November- November(der)
  • December-Dezember(der)

In our dialogues and exercises, we will focus on the practical use of these words in the context of the work of a caregiver for the elderly. We have also planned activities to help you understand how recommended elderly care agencies use these terms in everyday communication.

It will be an exciting journey through the German calendar! Ready? Let’s get started!

Example dialogues – everyday phrases and expressions

Dialogue 1: die Wochenplanung (Planning the Week)

Ewa: Guten Morgen, Herr Martin. Welchen Monat haben wir heute? (Good morning, Mr. Martin. What month is it today?)

Martin: Guten Morgen, Ewa. Wir haben jetzt Oktober. Warum fragst du? (Good morning, Eva. It’s October. Why are you asking?)

Ewa: Ich möchte unsere Aktivitäten für die Woche planen. Der Oktober ist ein guter Monat für Spaziergänge im Park. (I would like to schedule our activities for a week. October is a good month for walks in the park.)

Martin: Ja, das klingt wunderbar. Ich mag das bunte Herbstlaub. (Yes, that sounds great. I like the colorful leaves of autumn.

Dialogue 2: das Geburtstagsgespräch (The Birthday Talk)

Ewa: Herr Martin, wann haben Sie Geburtstag? Ich möchte mich darauf vorbereiten.(Mr. Martin, when is your birthday? I’d like to be prepared for that)

Martin: Mein Geburtstag ist im März. Aber mach dir keine Sorgen, ich brauche keine große Feier. (My birthday is in March. But don’t worry, I don’t need a big celebration.)

Ewa: Jeder Geburtstag ist besonders. Vielleicht backe ich einen Kuchen für uns.. (Every birthday is special. Maybe I’ll bake us a cake.)

Martin: Das wäre sehr nett von dir. Ich liebe Apfelkuchen.  (That would be very nice of you. I love apple pie.)

Dialogue 3: Erinnerungen an den Sommer (Memory of Holidays)

Ewa: Herr Martin, erzählen Sie mir von Ihrem Lieblingsmonat.(Mr. Martin, tell me about your favorite month.)

Martin: Ich mag den Juni sehr. Die Tage sind lang und die Gärten sind voller Blumen.(I really like June. The days are long and the gardens are full of flowers.)

Ewa: Juni ist auch mein Lieblingsmonat. Ich genieße die Wärme und das Sonnenlicht.(June is also my favorite month. I enjoy the warmth and sunlight.)

Martin: Vielleicht können wir nächstes Jahr zusammen einen Ausflug im Juni planen. (Maybe next year we can plan a trip together in June.)

These dialogues show the natural interaction between Eva and Martin, reflecting everyday situations and bringing the students closer to the reality of working as a caregiver for an elderly person. They use a simple but authentic language that is suitable for students at the intermediate level of learning German.

Interactive Exercises: Strengthening Language Skills

Task 1: Creating a Job Ad

Description: To practice vocabulary related to the months of the year and language skills, students will create a job ad for an elderly caregiver. This task will help you to put German into practice in the workplace.

Instructions: Using month names in German, create a job ad for a caregiver for the elderly. The advertisement should include information such as the duration of the assignment (e.g. care in Germany for 1 month), the requirements for the candidate, the scope of responsibilities, and the conditions offered (e.g. care for a person with Alzheimer’s disease).

Example: Gesucht: Pflegekraft für Seniorenbetreuung im Juli. Wir suchen eine fürsorgliche und erfahrene Pflegekraft für einen Monat, um sich um einen älteren Menschen mit Alzheimer zu kümmern. Zu Ihren Aufgaben gehören die alltägliche Pflege, Begleitung zu Arztterminen und leichte Haushaltsaufgaben. Wir bieten ein gutes Gehalt und angenehme Arbeitsbedingungen.

(We are looking for a caregiver for an elderly person for July. We are looking for a caring and experienced person to care for a senior with Alzheimer’s for one month. Duties will include day-to-day care, accompaniment to medical appointments and light housework. We offer a good salary and pleasant working conditions.)

Task 2: Simulation of Conversation with the Care Agency

Description: In this exercise, students will simulate a telephone conversation with a care agency, which allows them to use German practically in a professional context.

Instructions: In pairs, one of you will act as a caregiver and the other will be a potential caregiver. Use vocabulary related to the months of the year and working conditions to discuss a potential assignment to care for an elderly person (e.g., caring for a person with dementia, caregiver’s spare time).


Caregiver: Guten Morgen, ich interessiere mich für das Angebot der Altenpflege im August. Kannst du mir mehr darüber erzählen? (Good morning, I am interested in the offer of elderly care in August. Can you tell me more about it?)

Agency: Natürlich. Wir suchen jemanden, der Erfahrung in der Pflege von Menschen mit Demenz hat. Es ist ein Vollzeitjob mit zwei freien Tagen pro Woche. (Yes, of course. We’re looking for someone with experience of caring for people with dementia. This is a full-time job with two days off per week.)

These assignments are designed not only to develop language skills, but also to prepare students for real-life scenarios they may encounter at work as carers for the elderly. They enable practical use of German language learning in a professional context.

Discover with us: Fascinating aspects of German

Dear students, I would like to share with you a fascinating curiosity about the German language, which is particularly relevant for those of you who work or plan to work as carers for the elderly in Germany.

In German, there is a word Feierabend, which literally means the evening after work. Interestingly, it is not only the determination of the time after the end of the work. Feierabend also has a deeper cultural meaning, symbolizing a time of relaxation and rest after a busy day. In the context of care for the elderly, Feierabend is a moment where caregivers can take care of their needs, relax and recharge their batteries, which is essential to provide quality care.

I recently came across an interesting case that perfectly illustrates the meaning of the word. A caregiver from Poland, who works in Germany, told me how important it is for her to maintain a work-life balance. Despite the 24-hour care of the senior, every evening she tried to find time for a short walk or reading a book. As a result, Feierabend helped her maintain a positive attitude and energy for work.

This example shows how important it is to take care of one’s own well-being in the care industry. It is worth remembering that as carers, you are also significant and deserve moments of rest and relaxation.

I encourage you to also find your own way to Feierabend – whether it’s a warm bath, your favorite music or just a moment of silence. Remember, taking care of yourself is the key to being an effective and happy caregiver.

Summary of Lesson 10: German for Caregivers – Months

Congratulations! You have just completed the tenth lesson of our German course on Hrily platform, dedicated to the months of the year. Today’s vocabulary and dialogues have given you practical tools to communicate and plan daily tasks in the care of the elderly.

Through our interactive exercises, such as creating job advertisements or simulating a conversation with a care agency, you had the opportunity to apply the learning to realistic scenarios. This is an important step in your preparation for a career in the care industry, as well as an excellent opportunity to strengthen your language skills.

It is also worth remembering the importance of Feierabend – moments of rest and relaxation that are necessary for every carer. It is significant to find time for regeneration to be able to provide the best possible care to our seniors.

We look forward to meeting you again during our next lesson. Seasons. It will be a continuation of our journey through the German language.

Thank you for your active participation in today’s lesson, and I wish you good luck in your further studies and career. Until the next time! (See you next time!)

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