German for caregivers – House description: Furniture and rooms

German Lesson 14 for Caregivers for the Elderly

I am excited to share my experience with you. Yesterday, after class, I spent the evening reading a fascinating German novel and chatting with friends. It is wonderful how books take us to another world, and conversations with loved ones give us energy and inspiration. I hope you also found time to relax.

House description: Furniture and rooms

Starting today’s lesson, we will focus on learning the names of furniture and home premises. This knowledge is essential, especially when advertisements like looking for caregivers for an elderly person emphasize the importance of communication in German. Knowing these terms will make it easier for caregivers to understand and meet the needs of the seniors they will be working with. This is a critical vocabulary that will certainly be useful for any senior caregiver, especially those working in a German-speaking environment. After all, every day we come across these concepts!

German vocabulary for caregivers

Let’s learn 10 words today, presented in Polish and German:

  • bed– Das Bett
  • table – Der Tisch
  • chair – Der Stuhl
  • sofa – Das Sofa
  • closet – Der Schrank
  • flash – Die Lampe
  • kitchen – Die Küche
  • bathroom – Das Badezimmer
  • living room – Das Wohnzimmer
  • bedroom – Das Schlafzimmer

Remembering these words will greatly facilitate your daily communication and care for an elderly person with a residence. For example, when you work in a care agency, they will be invaluable in understanding and meeting the needs of your caregivers.

Example dialogues – everyday phrases and expressions

Dialogue 1: Description of the house and furniture(Beschreibung des Hauses und der Möbel)

Ewa: Was ist in Ihrem Salon, Herr Martin? (What’s in your living room, Mr. Martin?)

Martin: Mein Wohnzimmer hat eine gemütliche Couch, einen großen Fernseher und ein altes Klavier.  (My living room has a comfy sofa, a big TV and an old piano.)

Dialogue 2: Morning Routines (die Morgenroutine)

Ewa: Was machen Sie normalerweise am Morgen? (What do you usually do in the morning?)

Martin: Ich lese zuerst die Zeitung beim Frühstück in der Küche. (First I read the paper at breakfast in the kitchen.)

Dialogue 3: Memories and Gardening (die Erinnerungen und Gartenarbeit)

Ewa: Erzählen Sie mir bitte von Ihrem Garten, Herr Martin.(Tell me about your garden, Mr. Martin.)

Martin: Ich habe viele Rosen und Tulpen. Die Gartenarbeit erinnert mich an meine Frau.  (I have many roses and tulips. Working in the garden reminds me of my wife.)

In these dialogues, Eve can practice both basic vocabulary about everyday activities and more advanced topics, such as describing the house or Martin’s memories. Thanks to this, Ewa gradually increases her language skills in natural, life situations.

Interactive Exercises: Strengthening Language Skills

Task 1: Description of Your Place of Residence

Objective: Practice the use of vocabulary related to furniture and rooms, which are crucial in the work of a caregiver for an elderly person, especially in the context of work in Germany.

Using the words you have learned today, describe in detail the rooms in your house or apartment. Focus on the furniture and appliances that are in there. Describe how you use these spaces in your daily life. Prepare your German text using as many words as possible from today’s lesson.


Mein Wohnzimmer hat eine große, bequeme Couch, einen Holztisch und ein Bücherregal voller Bücher. Ich verbringe hier meine Abende, lese oder schaue Fernsehen. Die Küche ist klein, aber funktional, mit einem Gasherd, einem Kühlschrank und einem kleinen Tisch.

Task 2: Creating a Dialogue

Objective: To develop communication skills in the context of caring for the elderly, with an emphasis on understanding and caring for people with dementia or Alzheimer’s.

Task description: Create and write a dialogue between the caregiver and the elderly person being cared for in Germany. The dialogue should include questions about the home and the environment, as well as answers that consider the specific needs of older people, especially those with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. Prepare a dialogue in German using the vocabulary from today’s lesson.


Caregiver: Herr Schmidt, möchten Sie im Wohnzimmer oder im Garten sitzen?  (Mr. Schmidt, would you like to sit in the living room or in the garden?)

Senior: Ich würde gerne im Garten sitzen. Ich liebe es, die Blumen und Vögel zu beobachten. (I would like to sit in the garden. I love watching flowers and birds.)

Caregiver:Das ist eine gute Idee. Der Garten ist heute sehr schön.(That’s a good idea. The garden is gorgeous today.)

These assignments are aimed not only at language practice, but also at preparing students for the real-life situations they may encounter as caregivers of the elderly in Germany. They provide the opportunity to use newly learned vocabulary in practical, life contexts, which is invaluable in everyday communication and work.

Interesting facts about the German language

Did you know that the German language is full of synonyms and specific words that describe perfectly specific situations? This is what makes German so useful and practical in the work of a caregiver for the elderly. Take, for example, the word Zuhause, which means a house or a place of residence. As a caregiver for an elderly person, we often face the challenge of creating a home atmosphere for our caregivers, especially those with dementia or Alzheimer’s, for whom a familiar environment is significant.

Summary of Lesson 14: German for caregivers – Description of the house: Furniture and rooms

Today’s lesson, focusing on vocabulary related to the home, was an important step in learning German. By learning the names of furniture and rooms and practicing through dialogues, you increase your ability to communicate effectively with your patients. Remember that learning German is not only about developing language skills, but also creating an understandable environment for seniors, which directly affects their quality of life.

Don’t miss our next lesson, Family and Family Relations

We cordially invite you to the next lesson entitled Family and Family Relations. We will explore how to talk about family and emotions, thus supporting our seniors in maintaining close ties. Join us on the Hrily platform to continue this exciting journey through the German language and gain the skills that make you exceptional caregivers. See you soon!

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