Lesson 8
Daily Phrases and Phrases

Hello dear students!
Ready for a new dose of knowledge? Today is a beautiful day – perfect for learning German. In my house today there is a unique calm, which favors concentration – I hope that you too will find the perfect conditions for studying.
In today’s lesson, number 8 in the German for Caregivers – Daily Phrases and Phrases series, we’ll focus on vocabulary that every caregiver will find useful. We will learn important words and phrases that will help you in everyday communication with your mentees. Remember that learning a language is the key to better understanding and care for a senior.
Key German vocabulary for carers
Here are 10 words with generals that we will learn today:
- Caregiver/ der Betreuer
- Care / Die Pflege
- Senior / der Senior
- Medication / das Medikament
- Meal / die Mahlzeit
- Walk / der Spaziergang
- Security / die Sicherheit
- Interview / das Gespräch
- Smile / das Lächeln
- Patience / die Geduld
Memorizing these words is the key to fluent dialogues in German. I am convinced that thanks to them you will gain greater confidence in communication with your mentees.
Example dialogues – everyday phrases and expressions
Dialogue 1: Planning the Day
Ewa: Guten Morgen, Herr Martin. Was möchten Sie heute tun? (Good morning, Mr. Martin. What would you like to do today?)
Martin: Guten Morgen, Ewa. Ich würde gerne im Garten arbeiten. Das Wetter scheint ideal zu sein. (Good morning, Eva. I’d like to work in the garden. The weather appears to be perfect.)
Dialogue 2: Preparing Meals
Ewa: Herr Martin, was möchten Sie zum Mittagessen? Ich kann etwas Leichtes und Gesundes kochen.(Mr. Martin, what would you like for dinner? I can cook something light and healthy.)
Martin: Oh, das klingt gut. Vielleicht etwas mit Gemüse? Ich liebe Gemüse aus meinem Garten.(Oh, that sounds good. Maybe something with vegetables? I love the vegetables from my garden.)
Dialogue 3: Memories and Music
Ewa: Herr Martin, erzählen Sie mir bitte mehr über Ihre Lieblingsmusik.(Mr. Martin, please tell me more about your favorite music.)
Martin: Gerne, Ewa. Ich liebe klassische Musik. Besonders die Werke von Beethoven und Mozart. Sie erinnern mich an meine Jugend. (With pleasure, Eva. I love classical music. Especially works by Beethoven and Mozart. They remind me of my youth.)
Interactive Exercises: Strengthening Language Skills
Task 1: Create Your Own Vocabulary Cards
Objective: Create your own vocabulary cards to help you memorize new expressions.
Job Description:
- Using cards or flashcards app, create a set where each card represents one of the ten words we learned today. On one page write the Polish translation, and on the other page write the German equivalent together with the genitive.
- Add an example sentence to each word, showing its use in the context of care for the elderly. For example, for the word Care / die Pflege, you could write: Ich kümmere mich um die Pflege der Senioren ein Tag. (I take care of seniors every day.)
Example of task execution:
Card 1:
- Site EN: Caregiver
- Website DE: der Betreuer
- Sentence: ‘Als Betreuer steunze ich meine Senioren in ihre Alltag.’ (As a caregiver, I support my seniors in their daily lives.)
Task 2: Browse job offers for carers for the elderly in German
On the Hrily job portal, you can switch between languages. Of course, when seeking employment, it is best to understand everything thoroughly, so it is better to familiarize yourself with the content in English. If you are studying, it is a good idea to look at job offers for carers of the elderly in German. There you will find jobs, caregivers, accommodation conditions, responsibilities and much more information that you will find useful when working as a caregiver for an elderly person in Germany. The analysis of job offers in German is not only a window into the professional reality in Germany, but also an excellent opportunity to use and consolidate the newly learned vocabulary.
Discover with us: Fascinating aspects of German

Did you know that the German language is full of unusual words and expressions that capture perfectly the essence of our work in the care of the elderly? Recently, I came across a very interesting word: Feierabend. This is a term that literally translates as an evening of celebration, but in practice it means the time after work, when you can finally relax and take care of your affairs.
For caregivers of the elderly, Feierabend can be of particular importance. Working with seniors is critical and rewarding, but it also requires a lot of patience and empathy. Feierabend is a time when you can recharge your batteries, take care of yourself and prepare for another day full of challenges and satisfaction.
This word shows how the German language can accurately represent the various aspects of life, including those related to our work. Learning German means not only memorizing vocabulary and grammar, but also discovering the culture and way of thinking, which is invaluable in the job of a caregiver.
Reflections and invitation to the next meeting
Thank you for your involvement and participation in the 8th lesson of our German for caregivers – everyday phrases and expressions. Today we learned the keywords and phrases that are necessary in the daily work of a caregiver for the elderly. I hope that the acquired knowledge and practical exercises will help you to communicate more smoothly and effectively with your children.
Remember that mastering German means not only learning vocabulary, but also understanding the culture and everyday customs, which is crucial in our care industry. The assignments you have completed today are an important step towards achieving language fluency and understanding the needs of your seniors.
Upcoming Lesson 9: Family Members – Welcome!

Already now, I cordially invite you to our next lesson, which will be devoted to the topic of Family Members. This will be an invaluable lesson, allowing you to better understand family relationships and the cultural context that is so significant when working with older people. We will learn the vocabulary related to the family, which allows you to build even more profound bonds with seniors and their loved ones.
See you at the next meeting, where we will explore other aspects of the German language, which are so essential in our profession. Until the next time! (See you next time!)