Carers of elderly people from Slovakia

When we decide to care for elderly loved ones, we want the best for them. The elderly deserve care, support, and appropriate living conditions. That is why we are increasingly turning to specialists from abroad, especially when it comes to round-the-clock care with residents. Some of the most sought-after caregivers are those from Slovakia. Why? And where do they most often take up work?

Where do carers of the elderly from Slovakia work most often?

Many families appreciate the professionalism and dedication of Slovak caregivers. However, some places are particularly eager to use their services.

Round-the-clock care in Austria

Austria, with its high standard of care for seniors, has long paid attention to experienced caregivers from Slovakia. The proximity means that most carers of elderly people from Slovakia work in Austria. Competitive rates make both parties satisfied with this cooperation.

Round-the-clock care in Germany

Germany is the country with the largest number of carers for the elderly. This is because the population is large and aging. Care agencies from Germany are constantly looking for specialists who will help in the care of seniors. Why are carers from Slovakia also popular in Germany? This is due to the high qualifications of the care staff, who are appreciated by German families.

Why are carers from Slovakia chosen?

Caring for seniors is not only a duty but a mission filled with empathy, patience, and professionalism. Traditionally, families in Slovakia take care of their loved ones. This results in many people having an experience that is in demand. What exactly attracts attention to them and makes them so willingly chosen?

Cultural and linguistic similarities

Culture and language are the keys to building a bond between caregiver and mentee. Thanks to them, care becomes more personalized and effective. Similarities mean that there are fewer areas for misunderstanding.

Common roots and understanding of tradition

Cultural roots, traditions, and values are important in the care process. Caregivers from Slovakia often share the same traditions with the people they serve. On a general level, there are many similarities. When we focus on the details, there are many differences. However, they arouse curiosity among people using care as well as caregivers themselves. An example of this is the celebration of holidays.

No language barrier

Communication is key in caring for seniors. Knowledge of German and English is invaluable in building relationships with the mentee. For many years, Slovaks have been working in Western countries, which means that their knowledge of German is at a high level. Slovakia’s small population forces you to travel abroad. This means that the level of German language proficiency is much higher than that of carers of elderly people from Poland

High level of qualification and experience

Caregivers from Slovakia are famous not only for their cultural sensitivity but also for their excellent preparation and experience. Careers of the elderly from Slovakia have been moving to Austria and Germany to work since the 90s, which contributes to their valuable qualification and experience.

Education and training in Slovakia

Slovakia offers a wide range of courses and training for carers of the elderly. The demand has forced the creation of many courses that are conducted in an accessible way. What competencies do they acquire during such education? This is knowledge about elderly care, including first aid. Knowledge is divided into individual groups of diseases. In the courses themselves, a lot of attention is paid to issues related to empathy, emotions of the elderly, sensitivity, and adaptation to the requirements of the elderly.

Experience in care in German-speaking countries

As we have already mentioned, Slovak carers of the elderly have been working in German-speaking countries for years. These are the most popular destinations for carers of the elderly from Slovakia. People who start their career in this industry have an easier task for two reasons. After the first, they often have experience in caring for their relatives. And secondly, they have been to German-speaking countries many times before and feel comfortable in them. The proximity to Austria means that many people speak German well or very well.

The culinary benefits of caregivers for the elderly

Caregivers of the elderly often cook for their charges. In Slovak culture, there are many delicacies that seniors from Austria and Germany appreciate or want to taste. Here are a few of them.

Bryndzové Halušky

This is one of the most characteristic Slovak dishes. These are potato dumplings served with bryndza (local sheep’s cheese) and greaves. They are often served with sour cream.


It is a soup of sauerkraut, often served with sausage and mushrooms, especially popular during Christmas.

Dumplings (pirohs)

Although dumplings are commonly associated with Poland, Slovakia also has its version of this dish. They can be stuffed with various ingredients such as bryndza, potatoes, cabbage, or fruit.

Zemiakové placky

These are crispy potato pancakes, often fried with garlic and served with sour cream.


It is a traditional Slovak dessert, a type of yeast dough that, after baking, is topped with hot butter and sprinkled with a mixture of cinnamon and sugar.


These are balls of yeast dough fried in deep fat, served with plum jam, poppy seeds, or bryndza, and sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Makovník i Orechovník

These are traditional Slovak structures – one with poppy seed cake and the other with walnut filling.


Although this dessert is popular in many Central European countries, it is especially popular in Slovakia, especially in the Spiš region. It is a thin dough wrapped around a stick, baked over a fire, and sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon.

Puncové rezy

It is a cake consisting of layers of sponge cake soaked in rum, cream, and chocolate. These dishes and desserts are just a small sample of the rich Slovak cuisine, which offers many other delicious treats for every gourmet. Older people benefit from the presence of Slovak carers and, if the caregiver has time, are happy to try traditional dishes.

Where to find and how to hire carers from Slovakia?

When we decide to help care for an elderly person from Slovakia, we need to know where to look for them. The fastest and easiest way is to look for the right candidate on the platform with care services for seniors Hrily care service. You can easily find their carers from Slovakia, but also from other countries such as Lithuania, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and even Croatia.

Formal requirements and certificates

A candidate for a caregiver must meet all formal requirements for legal employment. It happens that the family requires specific skills that must be confirmed by a certificate. In this case, you should focus on finding such a person.

Checking qualifications and references

Appropriate qualifications and positive references from previous employers are the key to ensuring the highest standard of care. Most caregivers have the required documents, but it is worth verifying the scope of previous duties of a potential caregiver.

Language and communication requirements

The ability to communicate in the language of the country in which the caregiver is to work is extremely important to ensure the comfort and safety of the mentee. This is an area where people helping seniors from Slovakia have high competencies. However, you should make sure that the specific candidate speaks the language of care at the required level.

Adaptation and integration in the new workplace

Moving to a new country and culture can be a challenge. Support in adaptation and integration in the new environment is the key to success in caring for the elderly. Employees from Slovakia have an easier task here for the reasons we have already mentioned. However, the caregiver should be helped to adapt efficiently for the good of the family, seniors, and the caregiver of the elderly.

Support for carers from abroad

Care agencies and families employing carers from Slovakia should offer support in acclimatization and adaptation to the new workplace. Care companies are very skilled in these activities. However, the help of the family is always worth its weight in gold.

Building relationships with mentees

Trust and mutual understanding are the basis of the caregiver-mentee relationship. Caregivers from Slovakia efficiently build relationships. There is a lot of material on the web on this topic that is widely known.

Benefits and challenges of hiring carers from Slovakia

Hiring a caregiver from Slovakia offers many benefits, but, like any decision, it comes with some challenges. It is important to understand them well to ensure harmonious and effective cooperation.

Benefits of hiring a caregiver from Slovakia

When we think of caregivers from Slovakia, we imagine dedicated, caring, and well-prepared professionals. Why hire them? One of the reasons is competitive rates. At the same time, the level of care is correspondingly high. This is due to their education, work culture, and experience.

Challenges and how to meet them

Although the benefits of hiring carers from Slovakia are many, some challenges are worth knowing to ensure smooth cooperation. Not all caregivers of the elderly speak German well, so make sure that this will be the level you expect. Cultural similarities do not mean that misunderstandings will not arise.

Opinions and experiences of families with carers from Slovakia

Cooperation with carers from Slovakia has brought relief to many families and confidence that their loved ones are in good hands. But what are the concrete experiences of these families? Each meeting of a senior with a guardian from Slovakia is unique, but there are some general conclusions.

  • Improving the quality of life of the mentees
  • Close caregiver-mentee relationship
  • Efficient cooperation with families
  • Safety of seniors
  • Comfort for families from Austria and Germany

How to choose the right caregiver from Slovakia?

Choosing the right caregiver is a crucial step to providing our loved ones with the best care. What to look for to make the right choice?

Start by identifying the needs of your family. An experienced Care Agency to which you apply will conduct an interview that will allow you to learn the scope of requirements. The caregiver must meet them. 

Recommendations from the Care Agency and references from the families where he previously worked are important. Don’t forget to ask for them and check them out.

What is the work of a caregiver for an elderly person?

By taking on the role of a caregiver of an elderly person, one assumes responsibility not only for the health and well-being of the mentee but also for many aspects related to the functioning of his home.

Caring for an elderly person

Here, we focus on the basic needs of the patient, such as help in everyday activities, taking care of his health, accompanying in visits to the doctor, or spending time together.

Home care

The role of the caregiver includes not only taking care of the mentee but also of his environment. From cleaning to cooking to small gardening work, it’s all part of the caregiver’s responsibility. However, it should be ensured that the responsibilities are described in the contract.

Who is the caregiver of an elderly person?

Although many caregivers of the elderly are between the ages of 30 and 60, age is not the only selection criterion. Many of them have experience of caring for loved ones or previous work experience in this role. Their capacity for empathy, experience, and commitment make them perfect for this responsible role.

For many caregivers, an attractive salary is important. During the order, they not only earn but also minimize expenses for everyday needs. Financial stability and the possibility of professional development make these people take their profession very seriously.

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