24-hour care for a person with dementia

How do I find a Polish caregiver?

Both in Poland and in Germany there are many opportunities to find the right caregiver. The most common ways are to contact the Care Agency, then meet with an employee of the facility, or directly find a candidate through advertising portals dealing with issuing advertisements for caregivers looking for work. Fewer supporters have classic methods such as, for example: advertisements in the newspaper. However, they all lead to one thing: finding the perfect candidate.

How much does it cost per month to care for a senior with dementia?

Caring for a patient with dementia depends on the degree of dementia in an elderly person. The cost of caring for a person with dementia depends on the severity of the dementia. We mean, for example; medicines, the help of a qualified nurse, classes for people with dementia, hygiene and care products, etc. If we decide to place an elderly person suffering from dementia in a specialized facility, we must prepare for monthly expenses.

Types of care for the elderly

On the market, we can most often find day, night, and round-the-clock care. For older people with dementia, the last option will work best. A senior with advanced senile dementia requires constant care in everyday activities, such as nutrition, medication, grooming, or dressing. It is also important to take care of the sleep of the person with dementia, especially at night, to check their sleep, and that everything is okay. It should be a constant practice because it is common for a person with senile dementia to get up at night without knowing where he is, leave the house, and disappear for long hours or even days. It would be good for the caregiver of a person with dementia to also have a driving license to be able to take the patient to various classes or rehabilitation. Another option that exists on the market is centers for older people with dementia. For paying the appropriate monthly fee, the senior is provided with a roof over his head, qualified care, a properly selected diet, medicines, company of people of his age, and all kinds of activities for people with dementia.

What qualities should a caregiver of a person with dementia have?

Caring for a person with senile dementia is a unique challenge that requires both medical knowledge deep empathy and patience. It is also very important to be able to talk to a person with dementia, understand what dementia is, and what responsibilities it involves in everyday life.

What does a person with dementia need?

How to deal with a dementia patient? How to care for a person with dementia? How to talk to a parent with dementia? How to understand people with dementia? We will try to answer these and other questions below.


Mediterranean diet – rich in vegetables, fruits, fish, healthy oils, and whole grains. Such a diet helps in the work of the brain and improves memory in seniors. The main vitamins are those of groups B, C, and E, not forgetting antioxidants. It is advisable to avoid and even stop eating things like; Red meat, margarine, butter, cheese, or, of course, fast food and sweets. They have unhealthy fats, which definitely in years can contribute to various disorders such as heart attacks or Alzheimer’s disease.

Body hygiene

 The care and hygiene of elderly people suffering from dementia also depend on the degree of cognitive impairment of the patient. First of all, this includes assistance with bathing, changing diapers, dressing, hygiene, and body care. During these activities, it is important that the caregiver of a person with dementia remains calm and shows patience because it happens that seniors perceive attempts to help as attacks on their person.

Symptoms and causes of senile dementia

There are several reasons for the above disease, these are the most common progressive neurodegenerative diseases of the brain, poor lifestyle (stimulants such as alcohol and cigarettes, poor diet, poor healthy fats and antioxidants, low physical activity), genetic factors, and untreated diseases such as hypertension or atherosclerosis. The symptoms of dementia in the elderly depend on many factors and the severity of the disease. First of all, there must be symptoms such as:

  • cognitive impairment of the elderly
  • problems with concentration or even memory loss in seniors
  • problems in the formulation of sentences and daily activities
  • Problems in recognizing people and places

It also depends on how quickly the doctor makes an accurate diagnosis of dementia. The sooner the better, as there are many activities and activations for people with dementia to improve their memory and quality of life. We will describe them in the next point.

Activities for people with dementia

Activation is extremely important in the daily care of a person with dementia. Of course, it depends on factors such as the stage of dementia, physical fitness, senior illness, or ordinary desires of the mentee. There are many examples and ideas. We can find them on the Internet, as well as simply consult an expert in the field of rehabilitation or a senior doctor. For example, we can encourage a senior to:

  • solving crosswords
  • word games that build memory
  • memory games as memory training
  • jigsaw puzzle
  • walks and physical activity, in which other seniors often participate, which will encourage the mentee to attend classes and give 100%.
  • Crochet
  • All kinds of activities that train and build memory.

Of course, we can, also in consultation with the mentee, come up with new ideas that will be suitable for both parties and meet the expectations of both parties. Diversity and methodology are allowed. The caregiver of the person with dementia must show understanding and patience throughout the process.

Caring for a person with senile dementia.

Dealing with a senile dementia patient is a unique challenge that requires not only medical knowledge but also great empathy and patience. Dementia leads to a gradual deterioration of cognitive functions, which affects the ability to independently carry out everyday activities, recognize loved ones, or even understand the surrounding reality. In such a context, the caregiver who lives with the mentee becomes an irreplaceable support at any time of the day or night. It is not only about helping in everyday duties, but above all about ensuring safety, peace, and comfort. Seniors may experience symptoms of dementia such as; fears, confusion, or even hallucinations, which is why the presence of a caregiver who understands the specificity of the disease and can react correctly is priceless. Individual approach, the adaptation of the environment to the needs of the patient, and constant observation allow to minimize symptoms and provide a sense of security and stability. In this difficult period of a senior’s life, the presence of a warm, engaged person can be the foundation on which the quality of life is based.

What is dementia?

For many, dementia is associated with the inevitable aging process. However, in reality, this is a much more complex issue. Dementia is a medical term referring to a group of symptoms associated with progressive loss of cognitive functions, such as memory, thinking ability, orientation, or language. As a result of dementia, older people may lose the ability to perform daily activities, recognize loved ones, and understand the world around them. Dementia is not one particular condition, but a set of symptoms caused by various diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, or dementia with Lewy bodies. Each of them has its characteristic features, but they are united by their progressive character and impact on the quality of life of the senior and his family.

In an elderly care environment where the caregiver lives with the caregiver, understanding dementia is key to effective and empathetic care. 

This challenge is not only about helping in everyday activities but above all about building a relationship based on trust, patience, and understanding. Coexistence with a person affected by dementia requires a specialized approach, but also a huge heart. An elderly person may forget many things, but they will never forget how they felt because of the care they received. That is why the role of a caregiver who lives with the mentee is so invaluable. Through constant presence, support, and adaptation to changing needs, the caregiver can significantly affect the quality of life of the senior, bringing him a sense of security, stability, and, above all, dignity in this difficult phase of life.

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